Research Partners
Project Leadership

Toronto Metropolitan University

University of Ottawa

Toronto Metropolitan University
Americas Hub Members

Coordinator of the Regional Hub for the Americas

Beatriz Zepeda is a researcher from Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial. She holds a PhD in Ethnicity and Nationalism and an MSc in International Relations, both from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research focuses on migration, borders, nationalism, identity, and foreign policy and, since 2014, she has concentrated on the study of the Mexico-Guatemala border, especially its security dimension. Beatriz brings a geopolitical dimension to the work of MEMO.

Aniseh Bro is an associate professor at Appalachian State University where she works on environmental sustainability and human mobility. She is an interdisciplinary scholar who uses quantitative and experimental methods to study the behavioural drivers of individuals’ adaptation to climate change and to model the social and ecological dynamics that shape them. Prior to her position at Appalachian State, she was a post-doctoral fellow at the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan, and at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research at Universidad Católica de Chile. Her work includes research on informal microfinancing in Morocco, livestock production in Liberia, climate change adaptation and market access of coffee producers in East Africa and Latin America, wildfire risk reduction, and gender differences in the experience of and response to climate change in Chile.
South Asia Hub Members

Scientific Co-director, Co-coordinator of the Socio-Comparative Studies Working Group
West Africa Hub Members

Coordinator of the Regional Hub for West Africa

Co-coordinator of the EDI and Training Working Group

Anyck Dauphin is a professor in the Department of Social Sciences and has a PhD in economics. Her current research focuses on the resettlement experience of Syrian refugees in Gatineau, Quebec, particularly in relation to francization and employment, the factors of attraction and retention of immigrant families in rural areas and the practices of SMEs in terms of integration of newly arrived workers.
Canada Hub Members

Scientific Co-director, Co-coordinator of the Socio-Comparative Studies Working Group
DataVIS Team Members

Co-coordinator of Knowledge Mobilization & Visualization Working Group
Host Organization / Toronto Metropolitan University

Scientific Co-director, Co-coordinator of the Knowledge Mobilization & Visualization Working Group

Project Coordinator

Coordinator of the Canada Hub

Co-coordinator of the EDI and Training Working Group

Co-coordinator of Knowledge Mobilization & Visualization Working Group