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Portrait of Claudia Masferrer Leon

Claudia Masferrer

(El Colegio de México), Coordinator of the Regional Hub for the Americas

Claudia Masferrer is a professor-researcher at the Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies of El Colegio de México (COLMEX), coordinator of the seminar on Migration, Inequality and Public Policies of the same institution, and a member of the Demographic Dynamics Academic Body. She has a PhD in Sociology from McGill University and a Masters in Statistics from the University of Texas at Austin. Her lines of research focus on internal and international migration, the integration of immigrants and demographic dynamics, inequality, and how public policies mediate these processes. Her projects seek to contribute to the understanding of North America as a region of emigration, immigration, transit and return migration. She has conducted pioneering work on the multi-directionality of migrations in the region from a socio-demographic perspective and critically analysed relevant Mexican and US policies. 

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