
If you are new to Brightspace at TMU, start with these tutorials. Learn how to log in, find your courses, and adjust a few important settings.
Unfortunately, our team does not provide student support for D2L Brightspace or other course-related concerns.
If you are unable to access a specific course shell in Brightspace, we recommend that you contact your instructor(s), as a first step. If they choose to use Brightspace, it is up to them to decide when to make the courses available to the students. Confirm what you should and shouldn't be able to see.
If you have questions about a course that you have just enrolled in (or one where you have just switched sections), please note that It will take about 2 business days from the time you register through MyServiceHub to the time your enrollment is updated in D2L Brightspace.
If you have questions related to something outside of our area of support, our best recommendation is to refer to the university's Service Hub.
Please contact your instructor with any questions regarding:
- Whether your course will be using D2L Brightspace
- Any contents of the online course, including materials, quizzes, assignments and posted grades
Please report to your instructor if you cannot access your course shell. They can work with our Faculty Support team to ensure everyone in the class has the necessary access.
In-person appointments
Advisors in the following computer labs can assist users during regular lab hours:
- KHW 71
- Library Information Commons