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CEL Circle Computer Club

COMPUTER COURSES are led by volunteers who provide hands on help in a small computer education laboratory (CEL). The CEL is now located in Room VIC 607A, on the 6th floor of the Victoria Building at 285 Victoria Street. ALL classes are on computers using a Windows operating system, (not MAC).
Class sizes: 4 persons. Sessions are 2 hours.
Classes fill up quickly. Please reserve early through the LIFE office. Pay only after your space in a course is confirmed. For course details contact the instructor.
LIFE Membership Application

For information on CEL courses, registration and activities, write:
Hermine Borduas hborduas@sympatico.ca
Or contact Hermine through the LIFE Office:
416 979-5000 extension 6989.

CEL Circle Computer Club

The computer club (CEL Circle) meets every month to share computer experiences, watch short presentations, or participate in general question and answer sessions. Topics discussed depend on the interests of participants and the expertise of instructors or guests. Ample time is provided for questions and answers.

The next computer club meeting will be:
   Friday, December 2, 2011 in VIC 403 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Arrangements have been made for Connie Crosby, founder of the Crosby Group, to help organizations and individuals visualize and start their social networking and knowledge management projects.

   Click here to read notes from computer club meeting November 4th.


FALL 2011
10:AM to 12 * Powerpoint 2010
* Managing Your Digital Photographs
* Downloading Music
* Tables and Charts With Excel
* Internet and EMail
12:00 to 2:00 * Understanding web Page Codes     * Managing your Digital Photographs
2:00 to 4:00   * Managing Files and Folders
* Windows 7
* Word Processing: The Basics
* Labels, Business Cards and Mailing Lists
    (Word 2010)
* Tables in Word 2010

Man's evolution to the computer
Man's Evolution to the Computer

Fall 2011 Courses
The CEL is in Room VIC 607A, 6th floor, 285 Victoria Street
To to view in larger format, press Ctrl (Win) or Command   (Mac) and +
For Win 7, press the Windows key     and +


PowerPoint 2010

PowerPoint can help you to be a good presenter. Learn the basics of this program. However, you must have a topic to create your own PowerPoint program. Bring your idea.my trip to Antarctica, Ireland's March to Peace, the Hindenburg disaster, etc. Have data, maps, information, charts, pictures, graphs, etc. on a disk or memory stick. On Day 1, wefll learn how to put a program together. You'll have a week of homework to refine your program, and on Day 2, we'll make final edits, show off our presentations, and critique each other's work.
Call Geoff to discuss your idea before registering.
Prerequisite: Basic computer skills; your own computer with PowerPoint

Limited to 4 participants
Dates: Oct. 17 and Oct. 24 (2 sessions)
Time: Mondays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $21.00 for 2 sessions
Instructor: Geoff Arnold

Managing your Digital Photographs

This is a series of three two-hour workshops which explore Picasa, software available for free on the internet from Google. The program enables you to organize, edit and share your digital photos. The newest version (version 3.6) has added many new and exciting features. You may sign up for all three parts or choose to go directly to Part Two or Part Three, if you are already familiar with the material in the previous Parts.

Part One
Part One will introduce the program, look at how to import pictures from your camera or another device such as a flash drive; how to organize folders and files; how to sort move and delete pictures; and create albums.
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Nov. 7
Time: Monday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Madeline Radics

Part Two
Part Two will focus on editing our photos. In addition to the basic fixes such as cropping, and adjusting colour and lighting, there are new effects which allow you to retouch photos and add captions and labels. We will also look at exporting and saving your edited images.
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Nov. 14
Time: Monday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Madeline Radics

Part Three
Part Three will look at ways to share your images with family and friends. We will learn to make web albums, gift CDs, collages, movies and slideshows. We will practice using Picasa to send pictures by email or to post them on a web album. We will also see how Picasa can be used to send or take pictures to be printed.
Limited to 4 participants
DDate: Nov. 21
Time: Monday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Madeline Radics

Understanding Web Page Codes

If you have an Internet connection you probably have wondered how all the visual action "happens" on your monitor. You perhaps have also considered creating a web page or blog of your own. There are a number of sources for layout and design with all the coding supplied: we will look at some of them. However, understanding Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and how to make changes to your content from time to time would be very helpful to you.

This class will offer a basic introduction to the HTML language and help you to build and/or alter your web page information and pictures as desired.

Prerequisite: Access to a computer with an Internet connection
Limited to 4 participants
Dates: Oct. 17 and 24, or Nov. 28 and Dec. 5 (2 offerings of 2 sessions each)
Time: Mondays, 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $21.00 per set of 2 sessions
Instructor: Ron McKee


Downloading Music

Have you ever wondered how to listen to your favourite music or radio station on your computer, or download music to your computer, DVD or memory stick? If so, come to this workshop!

Prerequisite: For PC users.
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Oct. 4 or Nov. 15 (2 offerings)
Time: Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Peter Tuer

Tables and Charts With Excel 2010

Tables are important for everything from schedules, to lists of names and addresses, to tracking your finances. Excel can help – especially with the math. This workshop will show you how easy it is to create tables and charts for various useful purposes.

Prerequisite: For PC users. A working knowledge of computer basics
Limited to 4 participants
Dates: Oct. 18 and 25, or Nov. 29 and Dec. 6 ( 2 offerings of 2 sessions each)
Time: Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $21.00 per set of 2 sessions
Instructor: Peter Tuer

Internet and E-Mail

In this course you will learn how to send and receive E-mail with attachments, use search engines to explore the Internet, and use address books and bookmarks. Time permitting; you will be introduced to newsgroups, chat lines and downloading. The primary browser is Internet Explorer. If you have a web mail account, please bring your e-mail address and password for practice purposes.

Prerequisite: Access to a computer with an Internet connection
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Nov. 15
Time: Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Peter Tuer

Managing Files and Folders

In this workshop, you will learn how to organize your files into a meaningful set of folders that you create. You will also learn to search for files in case you have forgotten where you put them. Finally, you will learn about file extensions, how you make them visible, how you tell your computer what program to use to open up various types of files, and how to get rid of junk files.

Prerequisite: For PC users. Basic keyboard and mouse skills
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Oct. 4 or Nov. 1 (2 offerings)
Time: Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Allan Currie

Windows 7

This workshop will address the main functions of the Windows operating system, the Start Menu, and Control Panel.

Prerequisite: For PC users. A working knowledge of computer basics
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Oct. 18
Time: Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Allan Currie


Word Processing: The Basics

Microsoft Word is the most commonly used program to create documents. Microsoft Office changed its user interface starting with Word 2007, so that the access to functions such as "File, Insert, Edit…" is no longer through menus and sub-menus, but through what they refer to as a "fluent ribbon". Of course, everything that could be done before is still available, but it would be very confusing for any new user to take a course on the new program if what they have at home is an older version! Two versions of the basic course are offered, one using Word 2003 and the other Word 2010. In each course, you will learn or review the basics of opening and saving documents, formatting, changing fonts and layouts, cutting and pasting, making lists with bullets, and checking spelling and grammar.

Basic Course Using Word 2003

Prerequisite: For PC users. Basic keyboard and mouse skills

Limited to 4 participants
Dates: Oct. 5 and 12 (2 sessions)
Time: Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $21.00 per set of 2 sessions
Instructor: Hermine Borduas

Basic Course Using Word 2010

Prerequisite: For PC users. Basic keyboard and mouse skills

Limited to 4 participants
Dates: Oct. 26 and Nov. 2 (2 sessions)
Time: Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $21.00 per set of 2 sessions
Instructor: Hermine Borduas

Labels, Business Cards and Mailing Lists (Word 2010)

Learn how to use the Labels feature in the program to create business cards. Do you mail out many invitations or greeting cards? Learn how to get all the address labels you need in one print operation.

Prerequisite: A working knowledge of computer basics

Limited to 4 participants
Dates: Oct. 17 or Nov. 30
Time: Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Hermine Borduas

Tables in Word 2010

Much information can be most succinctly conveyed in tabular form. Learn how to generate a table of several rows and columns, with many more formatting options than when using the Excel program.

Prerequisite: A working knowledge of computer basics

Limited to 4 participants
Date: Nov. 16
Time: Wednesday, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Hermine Borduas


Managing Your Digital Photographs

This is a series of three two-hour workshops which explore Picasa, software available for free on the Internet from Google. The program enables you to organize, edit, and share your digital photos. The newest version (version 3.6) has added many new and exciting features. You may sign up for all three parts or choose to go directly to Part Two or Part Three, if you are already familiar with the material in the previous Parts.

Part One

(For the course description, please see page 17 under Part One)
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Oct. 13
Time: Thursday, 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Martha Pluscauskas

Part Two

(For the course description, please see page 17 under Part Two/S34B)
Limited to 4 participants
Date: Oct. 20
Time: Thursday, 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Martha Pluscauskas

Part Three

Part Three will look at ways to share your images with family and friends. We will learn to make web albums, gift CDs, collages, movies and slideshows. We will practice using Picasa to send pictures by email or to post them on a web album. We will also see how Picasa can be used to send or take pictures to be printed.

Limited to 4 participants

Date: Oct. 27
Time: Thursday, 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $18.00 per workshop
Instructor: Martha Pluscauskas

The computer club meets the first Friday of each month from 10 to noon to share computer experiences or watch short presentations. Ample time is provided for general question and answer sessions. The club normally meets in a lecture hall with computer projection equipment so numbers are not limited and all L.I.F.E. members are welcome, whether they are taking computer courses or not. An annual fee of $5.00 is charged to cover the costs of disks or other distributed materials.

   Click here to read notes from computer club meeting November 4th.

The next computer club meeting will be on Friday, December 2, 2011 in VIC 403 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Arrangements have been made for Connie Crosby, founder of the Crosby Group, to help organizations and individuals visualize and start their social networking and knowledge management projects.

Coordinators: Alan Currie and Madeline Radics

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