
    are we?               joins?

    can we offer?    do we meet?

   connections          address
are we?

is affiliated with the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University. LIFE offers the opportunity to participate in lifelong learning programs for adults 50+ who are retired or preparing for retirement.

Our Mission

  • To provide opportunities for lifelong learning, leadership
        and personal growth for adults 50+

    Our Vision

  • Develop and deliver high quality educational programs
  • Encourage members to accept opportunities for learning and leadership
  • Share experience, knowledge, wisdom, and ideas
  • Promote a sense of community and belonging
  • Enhance relationships and sense of accomplishment
  • Contribute to the enrichment of the Ryerson and wider community

    Our Values

    *Learning *Research *Responsiveness *Innovation *Integrity *Excellence
    *Responsibility *Contribution *Collegiality *Community *Caring *Inclusiveness


    do we have to offer?

    offers a wide variety of study groups and lecture courses in the Arts, Humanities, Sciences,Technology, and Contemporary issues. Computer classes, Theatre outings, Travel and Learn, and Creative Writing classes are just some of the many programs offered in daytime classes throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions.The Course Calendars are mailed to all members for these sessions as part of the LIFE membership.

    is a non-profit organization managed by a Board of Directors elected annually by members of LIFE. Members are encouraged to participate in the many facets of the Board's activities in furthering new concepts in lifelong learning programs.

    can join?

    welcomes you whether your formal education ended early in life or whether you have acquired advanced degrees. Generally our group attracts members 50 years old and over, but we welcome anyone sincerely interested in lifelong learning and who is available to attend classes and participate in our group during the day.

    As a member of LIFE Institute you are encouraged to join as many study groups and courses as you wish, to be active Board participants on standing committees and special events, to act as moderators or simply to enjoy a new learning experience.  Your ideas and opinions are always valued.  Through our 'Sounding Board' we listen.  Your involvement, your views and suggestions help to make LIFE come alive.

    There is a nominal membership fee: study groups and instructor led courses are charged on an individual basis.  Contact the office for information and details.

    does meet?

    Classes are held during the day, five days a week, both at Ryerson and occasionally at other locations.  There are fall and winter terms with special activities continuing into the spring and summer months.

    As a member of LIFE Institute you have full access to all the Ryerson facilities and amenities including the Library, audio visual materials, Bookstore, Cafeteria, International Conference Centre Dining Room, and the Ryerson Athletic Centre.

    other connections....

    The Canadian Network for Third Age Learning (CATALIST) is a bilingual, Canadian Network of organizations that foster third age learning through shared knowledge, expertise, research, and resources. By serving as the "point of contact" for collaboration about later life learning, the network serves to encourage and enhance learning opportunities for all Canadian seniors.

    LIFE Institute Office:
    G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education
    297 Victoria Street, 3rd Floor.

    Mailing address:
    LIFE Institute,

    Ryerson University,
    350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
    M5B 2K3

    Phone: (416) 979-5000 ext. 6989
    Fax: (416) 979-5286

    LIFE Application Form
    Visit ACT II Studio

    Visit Ryerson University

        SITE GUIDE

    1. About Us: This page Introduction to the organization and
             background. Our brochure.
    Courses: Lists the Peer and Instructor-Led studies.
    3.Clubs: Investment, CEL (computer Lab) groups.
    4.Activities: Events, Forums, Workshops, Meetings, Luncheons.
    5.LifeLines: The Newsletter.
    6.Contact Us: Our DIRECTORS, telephone, Address, EMail,
             how to get Help.
    7.Other Resources: LIFE links for more information.
    8.The CALENDAR.

    9.  ACT 2 Studio HOME PAGE.

             Lamp Logos are "Home Page".