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Policy Number Policy Name
1 Admission to Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Curriculum Structure

 (google sheet) Policy 2: Undergraduate Curriculum Structure Exceptions (external link, opens in new window) 

21 Academic Jurisdiction
37   Retired March 5, 2024 Dealing with Disputes Over Grades Between a Chair and Faculty
39   Retired April 2, 2024 Procedure for Disposing Over a Challenge to a Book or Other Item in Holdings of the Toronto Metropolitan University Library
45 Governance Councils
46  Please see Policy 170 (a): Undergraduate  - Policy has been renumbered ONLY.  No changes have been made to the content of the Policy. 
48 Undergraduate and Lincoln Alexander School of Law Academic Term

Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Participants 

 (google doc) Addendum - Policy 51 Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Participants  (external link) 

52 Ethics Review of Research Involving Animals
56 Publication of (SRC) Results
58 Use of Biohazardous Materials in Research and Teaching
60 Academic Integrity, Procedures, Guidelines
61  Student Code of Non-academic Conduct
76 Development and Review of Continuing Education Offerings
86 Policy & Procedures for Verification of Faculty Credentials Published in the Toronto Metropolitan Calendar
95 Development & Approval of Int'l. Partnerships and Int'l. (and National) Mobility Programs
103 Mission and Aims of Toronto Metropolitan University
110 IQAP Policy - Institutional Quality Assurance Process
112 IQAP Policy - Development of New Graduate and Undergraduate Programs
118 SRC Integrity Policy, and Foreign Institution Statement
126 IQAP Policy - Periodic Program Review of Graduate and Undergraduate
127 IQAP Policy - Curriculum Modifications: Graduate and Undergraduate Programs
135 Final Examinations - New for Fall 2024
139 Funding of Graduate Students and Guidelines
143 Policy on the Indirect Costs Associated with Scholarly, Research and Creative  (SRC) Funding
144 Policy on Research Centres
150 Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance
154 Signing of Research Applications and Agreements in Support of Research and Quick Reference Guide
157 Establishment and Use of Toronto Metropolitan E-mail Accounts for Official University Communication
158 Program Advisory Councils
159 Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities
160 Approval and Presentation of Posthumous Degrees, Certificates and Diplomas 
161 Student Awards Policy
162 Grade Reassessment and Grade Recalculation Policy
163  Graduate Admissions Policy. New for Fall 2024
Course Management Policy
167  Academic Consideration
Grade and Standing Appeals Policy and Procedures
169  Experiential Learning
170(a) Undergraduate Undergraduate Course Grading, Academic Program Standing and Eligibility to Graduate  (Formerly Policy 46)
170(b) Graduate  Graduate Status, Enrolment and Evaluation Policy and Procedures (Formerly Policy 164)  - New for Fall 2024
170(c) Law Lincoln Alexander School of Law - Grading, Promotion & Academic Standing
170(d) School of Medicine  NEW FOR FALL 2025

Grading, Progression and Academic Standing in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program 

171 Scholarly Research and Creative Activity (SRC) Intellectual Property 
172 Student Names
173 Policy on the Funding of SRC-Focused Academic Chairs
  Senate Policy Framework
174 NEW - Fall 2025 Attendance and Absence for Students in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program 
175 NEW - Fall 2025 Standards of Professional Conduct for Students in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program