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Policy 173: Policy on the Funding of SRC-Focused Academic Chairs

1. Preamble

In setting out the process for the funding and establishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair, this Policy reinforces the University’s commitment to recognizing and supporting the role these Academic Chairs play in advancing the mission of the University to create and mobilize knowledge for the benefit of society. 

In no event should the University's or a researcher’s academic autonomy or standards of scholarship be subverted by the designation or use of a SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

2. Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to: 

2.1. Guide in the establishment of SRC-focused Academic Chairs that are funded by endowments, donations or other funds that support the University's SRC strategy, objectives and mission; 

2.2. Set University-wide principles and transparent procedures for the establishment, support and disestablishment of SRC-focused Academic Chairs. 

3. Application, Scope and Relationship to Other Policies

This Policy applies to the establishment, support, and disestablishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

The process for the appointment of an individual to a SRC-focused Academic Chair opportunity follows the provisions set out in Article 4.9 of the Collective Agreement. In the event of any conflict between this Policy and the Collective

Agreement, the Collective Agreement will prevail. 

This Policy does not apply to the establishment or governance of 

Government-funded SRC-focused Academic Chairs as they are governed by the relevant terms of the external agency by which they are funded. However, if Government-funded SRC-focused Academic Chairs are also supported by non-governmental funds, this Policy equally applies and must be followed accordingly. 

This Policy applies to the creation of all new SRC-focused Academic Chairs from the implementation date of this Policy. The Policy does not apply retroactively to any pre-existing Academic Chairs. 

4. Definitions

Within this Policy the following words have the following meanings: 

“Collective Agreement” means the current collective agreement and any related memorandum of settlement between the University and the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association. 

“Government-funded Academic Chair” means a SRC-focused Academic Chair that is established through a government program or agency, including the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program and Canada Research Chairs Program. 

“SRC” means scholarly, research and creative pursuits, whether fundamental or applied, whose primary objective is discovery, problem-solving, or to achieve some desired result that can be specified to a significant extent but that cannot be produced with existing knowledge. 

“Academic Chair” means a distinguished faculty appointment, financed in whole or in part by non-governmental external source(s) or by the University or by a combination of the University and non-governmental external sources. 

“University” means Toronto Metropolitan University. 

5. Values and Principles 

In line with the University’s mission, vision and values, this Policy will be guided by the following principles: 

5.1. Equity, diversity and inclusion: Foundational to SRC activity at the University are the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and access. Together, these principles underscore our commitment to and expression of social justice and are essential to our integrated approach to SRC activity. In line with the University’s equity, diversity and inclusion principles, this Policy should contribute to inclusive excellence.

5.2. Transparency: The process for establishing a SRC-focused Academic Chair should be open and transparent, with clearly articulated and broadly communicated information. 

5.3. Excellence: Striving for the highest standards in SRC excellence, the Policy will support the University’s recognition of distinction in SRC activity. 

6. Policy 

6.1. Establishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair 

6.1.1. The establishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair is the prerogative of the University and aims to advance its SRC priorities. 

6.1.2. A SRC-focused Academic Chair may be established solely or jointly between faculties or with another university, hospital, research institute or other external entity. A SRC-focused Academic Chair established jointly with a third party is subject to this Policy. 

6.1.3. The terms, conditions and expectations of a SRC-focused Academic Chair must be transparent and explicitly defined and documented. As outlined in the preamble, in no event should the University's or a researcher’s academic autonomy or standards of scholarship be subverted by the designation or use of a SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

6.1.4. All SRC-focused Academic Chairs must be established in accordance with the process set out in the procedures to this Policy. 

6.2. Funding 

6.2.1. A SRC-focused Academic Chair may be established with external and/or internal funds including through donations, gifts or directed industry or not-for-profit funding. All SRC funding agreements for a SRC-focused Academic Chair must be signed by the Vice-President, Research and Innovation in accordance with University policies. 

6.2.2. Funding for a SRC-focused Academic Chair is intended to support the research, training, and leadership activities associated with the SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

6.2.3. The funding committed for a SRC-focused Academic Chair must be sufficient to ensure a continuing commitment for the duration of its anticipated term. Financial and resource considerations must be clearly itemized and funding sources attributed at the outset of the establishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

6.2.4. The University shall provide an annual financial report to all external funders of a SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

6.3. Appointment to a SRC-focused Academic Chair 

6.3.1. The appointment, review, and/or renewal of a faculty member to a SRC-focused Academic Chair shall be undertaken in accordance with the appointment process for Academic Chairs as set out in Article 4.9 of the Collective Agreement. 

6.3.2. A funder of a SRC-focused Academic Chair shall not be granted the right to select or renew a faculty member’s appointment to a SRC-focused Academic Chair. 

6.4. Disestablishment 

The terms for the disestablishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair shall be defined at the time of establishment. 

7. Administration 

The responsibility for the administration of this Policy and these Procedures lies with the Vice-President, Research and Innovation.

8. Roles and Responsibilities 

The responsibility for the administration of this Policy and related procedures lies with the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. 

9. Related Documents 

Benefactor Naming Policy 

Coordination of Donation Appeals and Gift Acceptance Policy 

Coordination of Donation Appeals and Gift Acceptance Procedure Endowment Funds Policy 

Policy 173: Policy on the Indirect Costs Associated with Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Funding 

Policy 144: Policy on Research Centres 

Policy 171: Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Intellectual Property Policy 

Policy 154: Signing of Applications and Agreements in Support of Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity 

 (PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association Collective Agreement and

Memorandum of Settlement (external link) 

Procedures: Policy On The Funding Of SRC-Focused Academic Chairs (Policy 173)


All capitalised terms not otherwise defined in these Procedures have the meanings set out in the accompanying Policy. 

“Chair” means an Academic Chair whose significant focus is Scholarly, Research, or Creative (SRC) activity. 

“Research Centre” has the meaning set out in Senate Policy 144. 


1. Establishment of a Chair 

1.1. A Chair may be initiated by and/or attached to a School or Department, to a Faculty, to two or more Schools or Departments or Faculties, or to a Research Centre. 

1.2. The proposal for the official establishment of a Chair must be documented and put forward by the relevant Dean(s). 

1.3. The Dean should begin the process of establishing a Chair by communicating their intention to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation as early as possible. 

1.4. The Dean should consult internally with relevant administrative departments to ensure all necessary aspects of the Chair are addressed. 

1.5. All proposals for the establishment of a Chair, must include terms of reference for the Chair that address the following: 

1.5.1. the responsible Faculty and Department/School as appropriate; 

1.5.2. the objectives of the Chair and how the Chair will enhance the SRC goals and objectives of the University including due regard to its commitment to EDI; 

1.5.3. the terms and conditions of the Chair including its duration; 

1.5.4. the administrative structure; 

1.5.5. the sources of funding and anticipated resource allocation; and

1.5.6. the process for disestablishment of the Chair. 

1.6. Once completed, the proposed terms of reference must be submitted to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation for review and coordination prior to the establishment of the Chair. The Vice-President, Research and Innovation will seek the feedback of the Provost as appropriate. 

2. Funding 

2.1. The funding required for a Chair may differ depending on the nature of the proposed SRC Activity being undertaken. The funding amount required must be commensurate with the required expenses that will arise as a result of the establishment, maintenance and other relevant costs associated with the Chair, and must be consistent with relevant University policies. 

2.2. The Dean, in consultation with the Vice-President Research and Innovation, and any other relevant administrative units, will establish a range of resources required for the SRC-focused Academic Chair and will periodically review and adjust as necessary. 

2.3. A formal funding agreement between a funder and the University is required for all externally funded Chairs. The funding agreement must outline the financial commitment and expectations of the funder, and the commitments of the University. All SRC funding agreements must be processed and signed in accordance with University policies. 

3. Naming 

Naming Approval for the naming of a Chair must be obtained in accordance with the University’s Naming Policy. 

4. Appointment to a Chair 

4.1. The University will select an appointed individual for appointment to a Chair in accordance with Article 4.9 of the Collective Agreement. 

4.2. The appointed individual shall be provided with the approved terms of reference of the Chair.

5. Related Documents 

Benefactor Naming Policy 

Coordination of Donation Appeals and Gift Acceptance Policy 

Coordination of Donation Appeals and Gift Acceptance Procedure Endowment Funds Policy 

Policy 173: Policy on the Indirect Costs Associated with Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Funding 

Policy 144: Policy on Research Centres 

Policy 171: Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Intellectual Property Policy 

Policy 154: Signing of Applications and Agreements in Support of Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity 

 (PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association Collective Agreement and

Memorandum of Settlement (external link) 

Appendix A: Policy On The Funding Of SRC-Focused Academic Chairs (Policy 173) 

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How is the academic freedom of the SRC-focused Academic Chair upheld, and what provisions are there for keeping the funder at ‘arms-length’ from SRC activities? 

The Policy provides explicit language upholding academic freedom as an ‘overriding principle’ in the preamble of the Policy (section 1 and again in section 6.1.3) by stating that ‘In no event should the University's or a researcher’s academic autonomy or standards of scholarship be subverted by the designation or use of a SRC-focused Academic Chair’. Further, academic freedom is protected within the Collective Agreement and the scope of this Policy (section 3) states that ‘In the event of any conflict between this Policy and the Collective Agreement, the Collective Agreement will prevail.’ 

Application, Scope and Relationship to Other Policies

2. What is the relationship between this Policy and CRC’s and why are they excluded from the scope of this Policy (section 3)? 

External federal funding agencies have comprehensive and separate selection and funding agreement requirements for both the individual and the University and therefore those funded solely through these programs fall outside of the scope of this Policy. 

3. Will the Policy apply to currently held Academic Chairs? 

The scope of this Policy applies to ‘the creation of all new SRC-focused Academic Chairs from the implementation date of this Policy. The Policy does not apply retroactively to any pre-existing Academic Chairs’ (section 3). 

The Policy will not determine whether a particular SRC-focused Academic Chair should be established but to ensure that the appropriate coordination of the relevant elements of the process have been followed. The establishment and funding is dealt with at the Faculty-level. 


4. What/who does ‘University’ mean in the Policy when it states that ‘The establishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair is the prerogative of the University? (section 6.1.1) 

The Procedures focuses on how the Policy is to be implemented and in relation to this question outlines that ‘A Chair may be initiated by a School or Department’ but that ‘the proposal for the official establishment of a Chair must be documented and put forward by the relevant Dean(s)’ (section 1.1 and 1.2) 


5. Will the Policy provide for minimum funding thresholds, contributions and durations for different categories of SRC-focused Academic Chairs? 

The purpose of this Policy is to provide transparency and clarity regarding the establishment and subsequent funding of a SRC-focused Academic Chair by requiring sufficient funding ‘to ensure a continuing commitment for the duration of the anticipated term’ as opposed to setting mandatory funding thresholds (section 6.2.4). Further, the Procedures states that funding must be commensurate to support the SRC activities being proposed (section 2.1) and is at the discretion of the relevant Dean(s) (section 2.2)

Appendix B: Policy On The Funding Of SRC-Focused Academic Chairs (Policy 173) 


Based on the parameters provided in the Policy, the following information should be considered in the early stages of creating terms of reference for a SRC-focused Academic Chair: 

1. Related Documents 

Review all related University policies, procedures and the faculty collective agreement: 

  • Policy on SRC-Focused Academic Chairs (this policy) 
  • Naming Policy 
  • Coordination of Donation Appeals and Gift Acceptance Policy 
  • Coordination of Donation Appeals and Gift Acceptance Procedure 
  • Endowment Funds Policy 
  • Donor Gift Agreement [University Advancement] 
  • Policy on the Indirect Costs Associated with Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Funding 
  • Policy on Research Centres 
  • Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC) Intellectual Property Policy 
  • Signing of Applications and Agreements in Support of Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity 
  • Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Collective Agreement and 
  • Memorandum of Settlement 

2. Internal Consultations 

  • Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation 
  • Provost
  • Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs 
  • University Advancement 
  • Office of the General Counsel, Legal Services 
  • Facilities, Management and Development 
  • Any other relevant department(s) 

3. Required Supports 

Material Resources [including but not limited to]:

  • Information technology 
  • Office space 
  • Lab space 
  • Equipment: 
    • Initial purchase 
    • Maintenance and Repairs 

Personnel [including but not limited to]:

  • Chair Holder stipend and benefits 
  • Administrative support 
  • Technical and/or SRC support 
  • Student support and/or training 

Financial Resources [including but not limited to]: 

  • Potential sources and level of funding: 
    • External funding 
    • Internal funding 
    • Other funding sources 
  • Expenses: 
    • Infrastructure costs (associated with the establishment of a SRC-focused Academic Chair) 
    • Costs related to any accessibility needs of the Chair and/or their current or future students and/or trainees 
    • Recruitment costs 
    • Costs of knowledge translation and/or mobilization activities
    • Costs related to intellectual property, if applicable 
    • How future stipend and benefit increases will be funded 
    • How future stipend and benefits will be funded when the SRC-focused Academic Chair term ends 
    • The costs associated with the disestablishment of the SRC-focused Academic Chair 
  • Any other relevant budgetary information 

4. Search and Appointment 

Please refer to Article 4.9 of the  (PDF file) Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association Collective Agreement and any related Memorandum of Settlement between the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association (external link)  for next steps.

Appendix C: Policy On The Funding Of SRC-Focused Academic Chairs (Policy 173) 

SRC-Focused Academic Chair Proposed Terms Of Reference Elements 

To ensure consistency with respect to SRC expectations, as well as procedural transparency and accountability, an academic leader wishing to create a SRC-focused Academic Chair should create the relevant terms of reference. 

1. Establishment 

1.1. Proposed full title of the SRC-focused Academic Chair 

1.2. Term/length of the SRC-focused Academic Chair 

1.3. Area(s) of research and academic endeavour 

1.4. The responsible institutions(s), Faculty(s), Department/School(s)

1.5. A description of the mission and objectives of the SRC-focused Academic Chair, including due regard to the University’s commitment to EDI. 

1.6. Responsibilities of the SRC-focused Academic Chair [including but not limited to]: 

1.6.1. SRC Activity 

1.6.2. Training and mentoring of HQPs 

1.6.3. Other (including but not limited to service) 

1.7. Intellectual property considerations 

1.8. Will there be an Advisory Group, if so: 

1.8.1. Chair of the Group 

1.8.2. Membership, internal and/or external, as appropriate 

1.8.3. Role of the Advisory Group 

1.8.4. Conflict resolution (voting, non-voting, ex-officio etc.) 

1.9. Risk mitigation 

1.10. Disclosure of interuniversity and/or other external commitments 1.11. Any other relevant information

1.11. Any other relevant information

2. Funding 

2.1. Who / what entity is funding the SRC-focused Academic Chair?

2.2. For how long is the SRC-focused Academic Chair being funded?

2.3. Will the University be asked to contribute funding? 

2.4. Where will finances for the SRC-focused Academic Chair be held / managed? 

2.5. Material resources, human resources and financial resources.

2.6. Guidelines for use of funds 

3. Disestablishment 

The considerations, process and criteria for disestablishment of the SRC-focused Academic Chair.