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Policy 86: Policy and Procedures for Verification of Faculty Credentials Published in the Toronto Metropolitan University Calendar

Note: See a related policy Ref. No. 85 "Credential Verification in Academic Appointments".

The Verification of Faculty Credentials Published in the Toronto Metropolitan University Calendar


The academic calendar is the official University public document on matters of faculty qualifications. It is therefore imperative that all designations be accurate.

To achieve and maintain accuracy in regard to the published academic credentials of faculty,the following conditions shall apply.

  1. Only those academic credentials that have been duly verified will be published in the calendar.
  2. Recently earned academic awards that have not been duly verified by the time of calendar editing will not be published in the calendar.
  3. For the purpose of publication, an academic award shall be considered to be duly verified only if and when it has been reviewed according to the procedures accompanying this policy.
  4. Degrees held by faculty members will be listed in the calendar under the designations used by the university or other institution that awarded the degree. The degree designations will be followed in all cases with the name (in full or abbreviated) of the awarding institution.

Procedure for Transmission of Faculty Credentials to the Calendar Editor

  1. Each September, following receipt of the Fall Term Reminders memorandum from the Vice President, Faculty and Staff Affairs, Deans will request Chairs/Directors to request faculty members who wish to add to the next calendar new academic qualifications to advise the Dean of the nature of the qualifications. The Dean must receive this advice no later than the first Monday of October.
  2. The Dean will ask Human Resources to verify receipt of appropriate documentation of the qualifications.
  3. Upon receipt of such verification, the Dean will forward to the calendar editor a revised list of qualifications for the faculty member.
  4. In the absence of such verification the calendar description of the previous year will be included in the next calendar.

The Identification of Faculty Credentials on Toronto Metropolitan University Business Cards


  1. The reference point for all faculty credentials to be listed on business cards bearing reference to Toronto Metropolitan University will be the most recent academic calendar.
  2. When a request is made for business cards bearing information that is not contained in the most recent calendar, decanal authorization will be required. (This is taken to include information about academic credentials and also about professional or other memberships and affiliations). This authorization is to be sought by the faculty member in question, and transmitted in writing to the Department of Community Relations.