Policy 1: Admission to Undergraduate Programs
1. Preamble
It is Toronto Metropolitan University’s objective to admit the best-qualified applicants to its programs using processes that are fair to all applicants.
2. Admission of Applicants From Ontario Secondary School
Toronto Metropolitan requires that applicants for admission to Toronto Metropolitan undergraduate programs present the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with a minimum of six (6) OAC or Grade 12 U or M courses. Students from the current or previous Ontario secondary school curricula will be treated equally for admissions purposes. The length of time taken by an applicant to complete the OSSD will not be a determining factor in admission decisions. New and old curricula courses can be combined as long as individual courses are not double counted.
While a minimum average of 70% (on 6 OAC or Grade 12 U or M courses) from secondary school establishes a student’s eligibility to apply for Toronto Metropolitan admission, individual Toronto Metropolitan programs may establish higher required averages for admissions.
Individual Toronto Metropolitan programs may stipulate specific academic prerequisites for admission, including specific courses and minimum grades. Programs may also stipulate non-academic requirements for admission (e.g. Portfolio, admissions essay, interview, audition, etc.).
Any changes to Toronto Metropolitan program admission requirements will be approved by Toronto Metropolitan’s Senate. New requirements (i.e. those more proscriptive or stringent) must be communicated to Ontario secondary schools at least 18 months in advance of implementation.
3. Admission of Applicants From Outside Ontario
Students presenting credentials or other prerequisites from other jurisdictions which are equivalent to those required from Ontario applicants will be considered on an individual and equal basis.
4. Admission of Mature Applicants
Applicants who do not possess the minimum admission requirements are eligible to be considered for admission if they:
- are twenty-one (21) years of age as of December of the year of application;
- have been away from formal full-time education for at least two years;
- are Canadian citizens, landed immigrants, or are sponsored by a Canadian government agency;
- are able to present tangible evidence of their ability to succeed in the Toronto Metropolitan program and;
- have completed any prerequisites or the equivalent for individual program admission.
5. Admission of Students With Prior Post-secondary Studies
Students who have completed studies at an accredited post-secondary institution may apply for admission to Toronto Metropolitan programs and, if they are offered admission to a Toronto Metropolitan program, will have their prior study considered for relevant transfer credit/advanced standing. Documentation may be required providing detailed course descriptions/outlines for courses taken elsewhere. All procedures pertinent to the request for transfer credit/advanced standing, as outlined in the Toronto Metropolitan calendar, must be followed.
6. Readmission of Previous Toronto Metropolitan Students Following a Prolonged Absence
Students previously enrolled in a Toronto Metropolitan program and who have been absent for an extended period (over one year), or students seeking re-admission to a program following a period of suspension, may apply for readmission/reinstatement. There is no guarantee of re-admission. If the student’s original time limit for program completion has passed, the student may only be readmitted to the current version of the program. This will require a full review of eligible credits and may considerably extend the time needed to complete the program. In cases where the student’s original time limit for program completion has not elapsed, the student will be considered for re-admission to their original program where applicable. If admitted, students will be provided with a clear statement of remaining work required in order to graduate. Students who are re-admitted after a period of suspension will be placed on probation and will receive a probationary contract.