Carrot City: Creating Places for Urban Agriculture
Book Description
Showcasing the best examples of current design, Carrot City presents strategies for reintroducing urban agriculture to our cities. Over forty innovative projects explore creative approaches to making space for urban food production, ranging from ambitious urban plans to simple measures for growing food at home.
Carrot City demonstrates how the production of food can lead to visually striking and artistically interesting solutions that create community and provide residents with immediate access to fresh, healthful ingredients. The authors show how city planning and architecture that considers food production as a fundamental requirement of design results in more community gardens, greenhouses tucked under raised highways, edible landscapes in front yards in place of resource-devouring lawns, walls that bring greenery into dense city blocks, and productive green roofs on schools and large apartment blocks that can be tended and harvested by students and residents alike.
Book News
+ Dr. Joe Nasr Interviewed in Bauwelt (in German)
2012 11 01
Carrot City curator Dr. Joe Nasr interviewed for the latest issue of the German architectural magazine Bauwelt (in German).
Read the interview in here (pdf) or link to the whole issue here.
+ Dr. Joe Nasr Interviewed in The Montreal Gazette and Vancouver Sun
2012 10 30
Carrot City curator Dr. Joe Nasr interviewed for this article on the success of Lufa Farms in Montreal.
Read the article in The Montreal Gazette or The Vancouver Sun
+ Dr. Joe Nasr Interviewed in the New York Times
2012 07 11
Carrot City curator Dr. Joe Nasr interviewed in this article on rooftop farming in New York City by Lisa W. Foderaro.
Read the article here
+ Carrot City Reviewed in Journal of Urbanism
2012 07 04
Carrot City Reviewed in the Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, Vol. 5, Issue 2-3, 2012.
Link to the Issue here
+ Dr. Mark Gorogolewski interviewed by Leaf Litter newsletter
2012 06 25
Carrot City curator Mark Gorgolewski was recently interviewed for the Urban Agriculture edition of this newsletter published by Biohabitats.
+ Carrot City reviewed in The Dirt
2012 05 02
Reviewed in The New Era of Urban Agriculture
Read the review here
+ Carrot City reviewed in Green Book Reviews
2012 04 09
Reviewed by Megan Herod
+ Carrot City reviewed in A Weekly Dose of Architecture
+ Carrot City reviewed in She Does the City
2012 03 12
Reviewed by Kait Fowlie in "Get Stoked for Spring Sprouting: Pick up Carrot City, the Urban Agriculture and Design Book"
Read the review here
+ Carrot City reviewed in The Globe and Mail
2012 02 16
Reviewed by Carolyn Ireland in "A book that aims to bring the farm to the city"
Read the review here
+ Carrot City reviewed in the New York Times
2012 01 27
Appearing in the article Tending the Soul, And Earthly Gardens, page WE2 New York Times - Jan. 29, 2012
Read the review here
+ Carrot City named one of the top 10 food books of the year by The Atlantic!
2011 12 23
Reviewed by Toronto-based food writer Sarah Elton
+ Carrot City listed in Landscape Invocation's Notable Books of 2011
2012 01 09
Carrot City: Creating Places for Urban Agriculture was included in this list by this blog on landscape architecture issues.
+ Carrot City in City Farmer News
2011 12 20
Carrot City Mentioned and Reviewed in this Urban Agriculture blog
+ Carrot City reviewed in 66 Square Feet
2011 12 12
Carrot City reviewed on this New York City blog
Read the review here
+ Carrot City in PWL Partnership's News
2011 12 08
PWL Partnership, contributors to the Southeast False Creek neighbourhood (see the board in the Cities Category) give a favourable mention to Carrot City: Creating Places for Urban Agriculture on their website
See it here