Carrot City Designing for Urban Agriculture




Carrot City Archive

Conferences & Symposia

The Role of Food and Agriculture in the Design and Planning of Buildings and Cities

Date of Symposium: May 2-4, 2008

Location: Design Exchange, 234 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This symposium investigates the opportunities for creative cooperation between shapers of the built environment and actors in urban food and agriculture systems. It brings together, for the first time, individuals from the full range of professions of the built environment who have been recently tackling challenges of the urban food system. The interface between the physical aspects of urban food provision and distribution, urban design and architecture are explored. After an introductory survey as part of a public session, this meeting addresses a number of issues, grouped into five themes; it is complemented by an exhibition and two field visits, by bus and walking.

For more Symposium information: Background, Programme, Abstracts

Images from Carrot City Symposium