Carrot City Designing for Urban Agriculture


Carrot City would not be possible without the help of an enormous body of dedicated researchers, co-ordinators, volunteers and, of course, designers. Thanks to everyone who has made this exhibit a success! Click on the collapsible panels below to see their names.

For credits for specific venues, see the Archive section.

+ Curators
+ Past Sponsors
+ Research and Implementation
+ Graphics and Website
+ Other Support
+ Donations and Long-term Loans of Objects

Thanks to all the architects, artists and other designers who provided content and materials, and in some cases designed exhibit boards. This exhibit relied on the inputs and creative energies of students and professionals who were often asked to take the lead on the preparation of boards, under the guidance of the curators. Thus, it served as a collaborative exercise for over a dozen architecture students at Ryerson, and allowed a number of other designers to convey their visions in their own voice.