Test Scheduling & Spacing

Test Scheduling & Spacing
Some students require exams to be scheduled at a particular time of day and/or a specific amount of time between exams.
Test Scheduling: Students may have disability related impacts that restrict them from being able to write at a certain time of day (ex., before 10am or after 7pm).
Test Spacing: Some students require a specific amount of time between exams (i.e. 24 hours) due to their disability
Test Scheduling
If students have an exam that is scheduled within the restricted time noted in their accommodation plan (i.e. before 10am or after 7pm), they should communicate with their instructor to navigate an alternative start or end time.
- If the student has their instructor’s permission to change the exam time before the booking deadline, they should indicate this in the comment section of the booking and forward any communication to testcentre@torontomu.ca
- If the student does not have the instructor’s approval to change the exam time before the booking deadline, they should book the exam at the originally scheduled time and contact the ATC to reschedule the exam booking after the instructor provides permission.
Email Template Example
Dear Professor,
My name is (YOUR NAME). I am a student in your (COURSE NAME, CODE, AND SECTION).
I am registered with AAS and sent you my accommodation plan, which includes that my evaluations are to be scheduled to start after (XX) and/or scheduled to end before (XX).
I understand that it is my responsibility to contact my instructors with advanced notice to reschedule an evaluation if there is a conflict, as per the instructions indicated on the AAS website.
The following test(s)/exam(s) on (DATE AND TIME) conflicts with my accommodation.
I am writing to request if I can write this test/exam at (PROPOSED TIME). If approved, I will forward your response to the Accommodated Test Centre who will reschedule at the agreed upon time.
Test Spacing
If students have an exam that is scheduled within the window they are unable to write as indicated in their accommodation plan (ex., 2 exams within a 24 hour time period), they must communicate with their instructors to arrange an alternative writing time, outlined below. Please note that exam scheduling must be negotiated and booked by the appropriate deadline, with as much notice as possible.
- Student sends one email to the instructors of their conflicting tests. In this email, the student should confirm:
- That their accommodation plan includes an exam spacing accommodation
- Identify the conflict with the exams in their classes and list the dates and time of the exam for each course.
- Request to reschedule one of these exams.
- At least one instructor responds offering to allow the student to write their exam on a different date (note - this is at the discretion of the instructor and the student may be offered the predetermined make-up date for the class, if available)
- Student books their exams with the Accommodated Test Centre (ATC) using the AAS Student Portal by the appropriate deadline and indicates in the comment section that they have permission from their instructor to write at a different time than the rest of the class due to their exam spacing accommodation
- If the student does not have the instructor’s approval before the booking deadline, they should book the exam at the originally scheduled time and contact the ATC to reschedule the exam booking after the instructor provides permission.
Email Template Example
My name is (YOUR NAME). I am a student in both (LIST BOTH COURSE NAMES, CODES, AND SECTIONS).
I am registered with AAS and sent you my accommodation plan, which includes having no more than one exam per (AMOUNT) hours. The following exams are currently conflicting with my accommodation.
Exam 1 Information: (INCLUDE COURSE AND TIME)
Exam 2 Information: (INCLUDE COURSE AND TIME)
I am writing to request if one of the above exams can be rescheduled.
I have cc’d my Student Accommodation Facilitator, if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Students writing in-person exams may be required to stay under invigilation at the Accommodated Test Centre (ATC) for a period of time. For example, if their accommodation plan states they cannot write exams before 10am but the rest of the class starts writing at 9am, the student may need to stay under invigilation at the ATC between 9-10am.
Students can email testcentre@torontomu.ca with any questions.