Extensions on Assignments

Extensions on Assignments
The impact of a student’s disability may require the occasional need for additional time to complete an assignment.
This accommodation provides consideration for students to request an extension if they require additional time to complete an assignment beyond the set deadline.
This accommodation may be put in place for students with both episodic or persistent disability-related impacts.
When a student has a disability that is episodic in nature, they may experience unpredictable flare-ups that interfere with their ability to complete the assignment by the deadline.
Instructor tips:
- Consider the request in good faith. Students are not expected to disclose personal or medical information in order to request this accommodation.
- Respond to student extension requests within a reasonable time period.
- Evaluate the request with respect to course structure, as well as administrative deadlines, essential requirements, and academic integrity.
Accommodation requests for extensions on assignments require instructor approval.
Students must request an extension prior to the deadline, no less than one business day prior to the deadline, notwithstanding extenuating circumstances.
Instructors benefit from reasonable time to consider and respond to requests.
Students are encouraged to put their request in an email, and are welcome to use the template below.
Students should clearly outline the specific course and assignment, indicate that they are requesting an extension, and propose a reasonable new deadline. Students should indicate that this is on their accommodation plan, but they are not required to disclose the specific details about why they require the extension.
In exceptional circumstances when a student is unable to communicate directly with their instructor (e.g. they are hospitalized), they may request that their Accommodation Facilitator contact their instructor on their behalf to determine if an extension is possible.
Dear Professor [NAME]
My name is [YOUR NAME]. I am a student in your [COURSE NAME, CODE, & SECTION] class.
I am registered with AAS and sent you my accommodation plan, which includes extensions for assignments on a case-by-case basis.
Due to disability-related reasons, I am unable to submit [ASSIGNMENT] by [DUE DATE]. I am writing to request an extension with a proposed new deadline of [NEW DATE], with your permission.
Thank you.
The length of an extension is determined on a case-by-case basis. When requesting an extension, students are advised to be reasonable and specific about how much extra time they need. The length of extension will vary depending on the nature of the assignment and course structure.
Instructors will determine an appropriate new deadline taking into consideration:
- The student's proposed new due date
- Academic integrity (e.g. the proposed due date may not be reasonable if it comes after the rest of the class receive their work back with grades and feedback).
- Impact on cumulative assignments or those that build on the assignment (e.g., potential of putting the student in a position of falling behind).
- Mitigating factors (e.g. the proposed due is very close to, or after, course grades are due creating the need for an INC).
If a student asks for their Accommodation Facilitator's support when requesting an extension, AAS may not be able to intervene if the request is made less than one business day before the deadline.
Retroactive requests are considered on a case-by-case basis when there are extenuating circumstance
There are situations when an instructor may not grant an extension:
Extension requests for group work or group assignments.
Extension requests close to, or after, course grades are due.
Extension requests when an assignment has been graded and/or taken up in class.
Students or instructors that need support or consultation with an extension request can contact the Accommodation Facilitator (contact details available on the accommodation letter).
Situations requiring further support may include:
- Extension requests after the assignment due date.
- A student has not met the agreed upon extended deadline.
- There is disagreement between the student and instructor about this accommodation.