Alternatives to Participation and/or Presentations

Alternatives to Participation and/or Presentations
This accommodation provides consideration for students who experience significant disability-related barriers when engaging in class discussions and/or delivering presentations. It offers them alternative means to demonstrate their knowledge and learning, if appropriate.
Students are still expected to be actively engaged in course material and meet learning outcomes as outlined in the syllabus.
This accommodation may be appropriate for students who have documented disability-related functional limitations significantly impacting their ability to participate in classroom discussions and/or deliver presentations.
Students with this accommodation must reach out to their instructor(s) at the beginning of the semester to explore potential alternatives. Students should clarify options and expectations well before deadlines to allow for thorough consideration of individual requests and requirements.
Student steps
- Submit your academic accommodation plan through the AAS Student Portal.
- Review your course syllabus to identify if presentations or participation components are included and if you require this accommodation.
- Communicate with your instructor to explore possible alternate arrangements and options.
- Contact your Facilitator if you encounter any difficulties or require assistance
Students and instructors are encouraged to work together to find reasonable alternatives that meet the needs of a students’ particular functional impairments. Student Accommodation Facilitators can assist as needed.
Reasonable alternatives to presentations based on course learning outcomes may include:
- Submitting an alternate assignment, such as an essay
- Presenting to a small group or directly to the instructor
- Pre-recording a presentation
- Permission to read from notes
- Remaining seated while presenting
Reasonable alternatives to participation based on course learning outcomes may include:
- Submitting written responses
- Advanced notice of when calling on a student and/or advanced notice of the questions being asked so they may prepare
- This accommodation applies only to individual participation/presentations, not group work.
- If participation/presentation skills are a core competency or essential requirement of the course, students may be required to complete the original assessment format.
Instructors who would like to consult or discuss implementing this accommodation can contact the Accommodation Facilitator listed on the students’ accommodation plan.