Absences from Class

Absences from Class
This accommodation permits students to occasionally miss class due to disability-related reasons without being penalized.
This accommodation does not excuse students from their academic responsibilities or essential course requirements. Students remain responsible for making up any missed material for disability-related absences.
This accommodation may be appropriate for students who have disabilities that are chronic or episodic in nature (migraines, concussions, gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, etc.) that result in occasions when they are too unwell to attend class.
The purpose of this accommodation is to provide flexibility where possible to ensure that students with disabilities aren't disproportionately penalized for impacts that prevent them from attending every class.
It is the students’ responsibility to engage in proactive communication with their instructor(s) as early in the semester as possible to establish protocols for reporting absences and managing missed coursework.
Whenever feasible, students should provide advance notice of absences to their instructors. In cases where advance notice isn't possible due to disability-related circumstances, they should follow-up with their instructor as soon as they are able.
- This accommodation does not apply to tests or exams. Students who have or will need to miss a test or exam must follow appropriate university procedures through the submission of an Academic Consideration Request (ACR).
- This accommodation does not apply to extenuating circumstances/absences not related to disability
- Instructors are not obliged to provide individualized instruction to students for missed material.
- If mandatory attendance is an essential requirement of the course, this accommodation may not be appropriate. Students and instructors are encouraged to reach out to the student’s Accommodation Facilitator to explore options.
- This accommodation is meant to address occasional absences from class. If absences are regular, prolonged, or interfere with essential course requirements, students may wish to explore a medical leave of absence or a short-term withdrawal or speak to their department about other available options.
Students who are feeling behind and struggling to catch up are encouraged to book an appointment with an AAS Learning and Assistive Technology Strategist to explore strategies to support the learning, organization, and completion of their academic goals.
Instructors who would like to consult or discuss implementing this accommodation can contact the Accommodation Facilitator listed on the students’ accommodation plan.