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StartMeUp (SMU)

StartMeUp (SMU) is a project designed to spark and support a culture of entrepreneurship at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) and aims to start and expand ventures while offering co-curricular development opportunities to its members. We offer a series of events and initiatives equipping participants with a variety of educational content, resource consultations, and opportunities for collaboration and meaningful connections for innovation & new venture creation.

DMZ StartMeUp work space
TRSM Auditorioum full of students


In addition to the 65+ events, workshops, and available funding consultations, a comprehensive mentorship program is delivered to participants on demand with free, modular, and high-touch activities to empower first time entrepreneurs. Mentors receive personal and professional development to help them build mutually transformative relationships with every entrepreneur they work with.

Ideation stage

Entrepreneurs undergo a needs assessment and receive customized support. The program targets participants in the ideation phase to help validate their idea, work towards a scalable business model, and learn from their findings so they can build smarter. They also coach participants to develop soft skills such as pitching or professional communication. We believe that hands-on learning drives personal growth regardless of the success or failure of the new venture..

Two people shaking hands
Student presenting project to two other students

The ecosystem

SMU is enabling TMU students to seize experiential learning opportunities. Since helping launch and grow the Digital Media Zone (DMZ) in 2010 (awarded the #1 University-based accelerator in the World in 2018), SMU continues as the conduit for students and their ventures applying to any of TMU’s ten on-campus incubators or other grants, competitions, hackathons and guest speaker series,