Academic Policies

Academic Integrity Policy 60
Toronto Metropolitan University's Academic Integrity Policy 60 (opens in new window) is premised on the commitment of Toronto Metropolitan University (the “University”) to foster and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, the fundamental values of which are honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, courage as well as trustworthiness. All members of the Toronto Metropolitan University community, including faculty, students, graduate assistants and staff, have a responsibility to adhere to and uphold them in their teaching, learning, evaluation, scholarly research and creative activity.
A few examples of Academic Misconduct:
- Citing resources without proper and/ or incomplete referencing
- Working collaboratively with others without explicit consent of the instructor
- Using materials or aids during exams that were not explicitly allowed by the instructor
- Improperly obtaining access to examination questions or materials
- Submitting stolen or purchased assignments
- Submitting altered, falsified, or forged medical or other documentation for academic consideration, or making false claims for this consideration
- Offering or giving assignments, essays, test questions to others knowing that they will be submitted/ used for academic assessment
- Using your own work a second time for an assignment or essay without the permission of the instructor
If you are being investigated for academic misconduct, your grade for the course in question will appear as ‘DEF’. This will be replaced by an official course grade upon resolution of the matter. If you are found to have committed academic misconduct, you may be placed on Disciplinary Suspension, you will be removed from your program for a specified period (normally one term to two years), after which the student will be automatically reinstated. You will also have a Disciplinary Notation (DN) placed on your academic record.
Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct
(PDF file) Policy 61 (opens in new window) , the Toronto Metropolitan University Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct reflects an expectation that students conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the educational objectives of the University, in accordance with generally accepted standards of behaviour, and
in accordance with published university regulations and policies. At the heart of accepted standards is respect for other members of the Toronto Metropolitan University community. The Code in its entirety is intended to identify behaviour which the University considers to be inappropriate, to outline the procedures the University will use to respond to such behaviour, and to indicate the possible consequences of such behaviour.
If you are found to have violated Policy 61, you will be placed on Non-Academic Disciplinary Suspension (NDS) for a period up to two (2) years. You will not be allowed to take any courses at TMU or through the Chang School of Continued Education. You may also be placed on Non-Academic Disciplinary Withdrawal (NDW); you will be withdrawn from the University for a period of two years. A NDW shall be permanently noted on your academic record and official transcript.
Tip: Contact the Office of the Ombudsperson if you believe you have been treated unfairly or need to talk about your concerns and options if you have been accused of misconduct. The Office of the Ombudsperson is confidential, impartial and independent. You can reach them at or OAK Rooms 214/215/216.

You are responsible for making sure you are in the right place at the right time to write your exam. If you have a conflict in your exam schedule, you must report it to your professor(s) within one week of the announcement of the exam schedule. If you have an exam scheduled on a religious holiday or holy day, you must speak with your professor at least three days before the exam period to make alternate arrangements. Detailed information can be found in the Toronto Metropolitan University’s Examination Policy. (opens in new window)

If you have a disability and would like to be considered for accommodation, Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) can assist you. To receive accommodation for your upcoming exam you must be registered with AAS and have submitted your final examination accommodation requests before the start of the final examination period. Students are encouraged to start this process as early as possible to implement supports with labs, quizzes and midterms as well. If you are not currently registered with AAS and/or require more detailed information, including how to book your exam, visit the Academic Accommodations Support website (opens in new window) .
The Make-Up Test Centre is a service designed to facilitate the make-up testing needs of students that are not registered with Academic Accommodation Support. Faculty and students can request make-up tests/exams via the Make-Up Test Centre Booking System (opens in new window) . Please contact for more information or visit the Make-Up Test Centre webpage.
Exam schedules will be released by the Office of the Registrar (opens in new window) in November and March.
- Fall examination period runs from Wednesday, December 08, 2021 to Sunday, December, 19, 2021 (Saturdays and Sundays included)
- Winter examination period runs from Monday, April 18, 2022 to Saturday, April 30, 2022 (Saturdays and Sundays included)
Tip: Your grades will not be released if you have an outstanding item from the library or fees outstanding.
Inability to Complete Coursework due to Health, Compassionate or Extenuating Circumstances
As per (PDF file) Policy 167: Academic Consideration, students may request Academic Consideration (ACR) when they experience health, compassionate or extenuating circumstances that significantly impact their ability to fulfill an academic requirement. For example, their ability to attend classes, write a scheduled term test or exam, and/or meet an assignment deadline.
Students experiencing health, compassionate or extenuating circumstances, as outlined below, must submit a request for academic consideration through the Senate portal before, or within 3 business days, of the missed evaluation. Depending on the type of request, a Toronto Metropolitan University Medical Certificate and/or supporting documentation is required.
As of Fall 2020, students may submit 1 request per term without documentation. However, this request must be submitted within 3 business days of the missed evaluation, may only cover an absence of 3 days or fewer, and may not be for a missed final exam or final assessment.
Students with health, compassionate or extenuating circumstances lasting longer than three days are encouraged to contact Academic Accommodation Support to discuss the possibility of temporary accommodations.