Academic Standing

Your academic standing (opens in new window) is established from your formal course grades at the end of each academic term on the basis of overall academic performance.

TGPA of at least 1.33 AND CGPA of at least 1.67, except where you have:
- violated an approved Department/School standing variation or,
- while on probation, you violated the terms of your Probationary Contract.
With a clear academic standing, you can continue with no restrictions except for the duty to satisfy requisite requirements.
If your CGPA is between 1.00 to 1.66, your academic standing will change to Probation. You will be required to attend a probationary seminar to obtain your probationary contract outlining a specific plan of studies and academic supports prepared and authorized by Dr. Amleh. You must sign this contract and drop it off to our office within five days otherwise your course registrations and course intention requests will be cancelled for the term in question. You are not allowed to make any adjustments to the contract without the authorization from an Academic Advisor.
Making any unauthorized changes may result in a violation of your contract. You are eligible to continue your studies in a subsequent semester as long as you achieve a TGPA of 1.67 or higher, meet the terms of your Probationary Contract and do not violate approved standing variations. Failure to meet the terms of the Probationary Contract as set out by the First-Year Engineering Office will result in your standing to change to RTW.
Academic Standing Variation
In addition to the general criteria used to determine Academic Standing, students in this program must also meet the following conditions:
All students in undergraduate Engineering programs have an additional condition for Clear academic standing. In addition to students needing a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 1.67 or higher, students also need to have a term grade point average (TGPA) of 1.33 or higher, based on at least two reported grades for that term (not including Pass, DEF, INP or AEG grades). Students who have a TGPA less than 1.33 will be given PROBATIONARY Academic Standing. Students with only one reported grade for that term will be evaluated based on CGPA only.
Students with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) less than 1.67 will be assigned a Probationary or Required to Withdraw (RTW) standing. See Academic Standings (opens in new window) and (PDF file) Senate Policy 170 (a) for information about the policy, procedure, and consequences.
If you have been Required to Withdraw (RTW) from your Toronto Metropolitan University undergraduate program, you may not formally return to your program (or transfer to another Toronto Metropolitan University undergraduate program) until 12 months have elapsed.
- CGPA of less than 1.00 (except those enrolled in their first semester)*
- A TGPA below 1.67 while on probation
- Violation of a Probationary Contract (including unauthorized changes to the contract or failure to sign a Probationary Contract).
*No student in their first semester at Toronto Metropolitan University will be RTW in December. Students with a GPA of less than 1.00 will continue in their program for the subsequent Winter semester on Probation.
What happens when you become RTW?
- You are required to attend a RTW seminar to discuss your options with an Academic Advisor.
- You will not be able to take any courses at Toronto Met for a period of 12 months. Any courses taken at other institutions will not count for credit or for your program.
Students with a Required to Withdraw standing may be eligible for one or more of the following options:
A. Fresh Start Program
Through the nine-week Fresh Start Strategies skills building course, students approved for this program, learn effective methods to improve their academic performance. If you meet the TGPA/CGPA requirements for this program, you only have to sit out one semester immediately following the term of your RTW standing. More information can be found on the Fresh Start for RTW Students website. Eligibility requirements can be found on the Fresh Start Program Partiicipation Criteria (opens in new window) page.
B. Fresh Start Transfer
If you have an RTW standing but wish to transfer to another Toronto Metropolitan University program outside of Engineering, you may be eligible for the Fresh Start Transfer program, depending on your TGPA/CGPA. You are still required to sit out one semester following the RTW term. For more information, including eligibility requirements, you can refer to the Fresh Start Program Participation Criteria (opens in new window) page.
C. Reinstatement
If you are not eligible for Fresh Start or do not successfully complete the Fresh Start program, you may submit an application for consideration for the Reinstatement program. Prior to reinstatement you may not register in any Toronto Metropolitan University credit courses and no courses taken at another institution will be counted towards graduation requirements for a Toronto Metropolitan University degree program.
Your Reinstatement Application will be reviewed in-line with the university and the FEAS policy that considers the delete: student’s past academic performance, and potential to satisfactorily complete the program, and the personal and academic development activities undertaken during the period away from the university. It will be imperative that you attend the FYEO Required to Withdraw Seminar to learn about the necessary steps that must be taken during the RTW period to improve chances for being accepted for the Reinstatement program. If you missed the seminar, you should contact the First-Year Engineering Office.
D. Application to Another Program
If you wish to apply to a Toronto Metropolitan University program outside of Engineering, but do not qualify for the Fresh Start Transfer program, you must consult with the University Admissions Office to discuss eligibility for other programs. Note, you will still need to sit out for 12 months following the RTW term. You can contact the ServiceHub to connect with an Admissions Advisor.
Your standing will become PPW for any one or more of the following reasons:
- Your academic performance resulted in a Required to Withdraw standing for the second time
- You failed a program required course for the third time
- You have been denied Reinstatement to your program for the second time
If you become PPW, you can’t apply for reinstatement back to Engineering. You can however apply for other programs at Toronto Metropolitan University for the Fall semester of the following calendar year
If you have violated a Student Code of Conduct,
- You are not allowed to enrol in any course at the University during your period of Disciplinary Suspension.
- After you have served your period of Disciplinary Suspension you must contact your Department/School to make arrangements for reinstatement.
Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to appeal your final grade and/or academic standing. More information can be found on the Senate Appeals (opens in new window) website. You also have the right to see all work completed for a course, including the final exam, and have the right to continue with your course work while an appeal is in process.
Tip: You can get help on how to submit an appeal by contacting the Toronto Metropolitan University Student Union Student Issues & Advocacy Coordinator at (opens in new window)
Types of Appeals
There are two types of appeals which may be filed - a ‘grade appeal’ and an ‘academic standing’ appeal. The ‘grade appeal’ must be filed with the department that taught the course you are appealing; the academic ‘standing appeal’ must be filed with your own department (i.e. with First-Year Engineering Office). Both types of appeals will be reviewed by the applicable departmental Appeals Committee. Since the outcome of a grade appeal can effect your standing, review of grade appeals must be completed before the review of standing appeals. Full details of the Appeals Policy can be found here (opens in new window) .
Grounds of Appeal
Grade Appeals may be filed one or more of the following grounds: Extenuating Circumstances, Course Management, Procedural Error, and Prejudice. Standing Appeals may be filed for one or more of the following grounds: Extenuating Circumstances, Procedural Error, and Prejudice. The responsibility for demonstrating the grounds for the appeal lies with the student. You should ensure that the relevant documentation (e.g. medical certificates, travel documents, death certificates, letters from counselors, etc.) is supplied to support their case. Refer to Policy 168, Grades and Standing Appeals for more details.
Levels of Appeal
There are three levels of academic appeal: Department, Faculty and Senate appeals. You are required to submit the pertinent information at each appeal level, and within the mandated time frame. The decision of the Senate Appeals Committee is final and binding.