Facilitate a collaborative class activity using Google Workspace
Digital Media Projects does not provide technical support for Google Workspace. For technical support, please contact:
- Email: help@torontomu.ca
- Faculty & Staff Support:
(416) 979 - 5000 ext. 556806
- Student Support:
(416) 979 - 5000 ext. 556840
Google Drive can be found in my.torontomu.ca, under "Apps".
Important: The students will be able to see, modify and delete each others' contributions to the collaborative activity subfolder. Please consider this carefully when planning the activity.
When you request a "Course Shell", both a Brightspace shell and Google Group are created. Anyone you add to the shell using Self Service—including sections of students, TAs, and co-Instructors—are added as members to both the Brightspace shell and the Google Group.
If your "Course Shell" has already been requested, you should have received a confirmation email with the "shell code."
If the shell code is abc123_w22_01, the Google Group address is abc123_w22_01@torontomu.ca.
Use this address to email your Google Group members and share resources in Google Drive.
You can also go to Google Groups directly and find your group.
Important: The students will be able to see, modify and delete each others' contributions to the collaborative activity subfolder. Please consider this carefully when planning the activity.
Time to be creative and plan a collaborative activity using Google tools!
Simply create a new item in the collaborative activity folder, using one of the available options: Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms.
Since the entire class has edit access to the contents of this folder, you won't have to worry about setting the permissions — just be aware of them (see the note at the top of this page).
The various tools in Google Workspace offer a flexible way of not only delivering content, but engaging students in activities in real-time. View our guide to using Google Workspace to develop collaborative activities for some examples of how you can use Google Workspace for developing collaborative activities.
Watch the “Teaching with Google” workshop
Google Workspace general information
Google Workspace is the university's official email, calendar & file storage platform, which includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Meet, and more.