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Accounting and Finance Professionally-Related Table I

Professionally-Related courses other than those listed on the following table may be selected subject to program and teaching department approval, space availability and enrolment requisite requirements.

Available to Accounting students only:

AFF 410* Derivative Securities
AFF 501 Investment Analysis
AFF 502 Personal Financial Planning
AFF 505 Islamic Finance
AFF 514 Financial Modeling I
AFF 604 Ethics in Finance
AFF 611 Fixed Income Securities
AFF 621 Market Microstructure, Algorithm Trading
AFF 624 International Finance
AFF 704 Financial Intermediation
AFF 711 Advanced Portfolio Management
AFF 714 Financial Modeling II
AFF 811 Financial Risk Management
AFF 813 Mergers and Acquisitions
ITM 102 Business Information Systems I

* Students admitted Fall 2017 and after only.

Available to Finance students only:

AFA 517 Taxation for Managers and Financial Planners
AFA 518 Auditing
AFA 615 Public Sector and Not-for-Profit Accounting
AFA 619 Intermediate Cost and Management Acct.
AFA 716 Advanced Financial Acct. and Disclosure
AFA 717 Canadian Business Taxation I
AFA 817 Canadian Business Taxation II
AFA 819 Advanced Management Accounting


Available to both majors:

BUS 720 Independent Research
CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
CMN 304 Career Advancement Communication
CMN 306 Risk and Crisis Communication
CMN 313 Organizational Problem Solving and Report Writing
CMN 315 Issues in Organizational Communication
CMN 413 Corporate Communications
CMN 414 Interpersonal Communication in Management
CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
CMN 447 Communication and Law
CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
ECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
ECN 321 Introduction to Law and Economics
ECN 501 Industrial Organization
ECN 502 Economics of Energy and Natural Resources
ECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
ECN 506 Money and Banking
ECN 510 Environmental Economics
ECN 600 Intermediate Macroeconomics II
ECN 601 Economics of Information
ECN 605 Labour Economics
ECN 606 International Monetary Economics
ECN 614 An Introduction to Game Theory
ECN 700 Intermediate Microeconomics II
ECN 703 Public Sector Economics
ECN 707 Economics of International Trade I
ECN 710 Transportation Economics
ECN 715 Advanced Microeconomics
ECN 729 Sports Economics
ECN 803 Canadian Tax Policy
ECN 808 Economic Growth and Technological Change
ECN 815 Advanced Macroeconomics
ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
ENT 633 Corporate Governance
ENT 725 Management of Innovation
ENT 726 Creating a Business Plan
ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
FIN 65A/B* Applied Investment Management I
FIN 75A/B* Applied Investment Management II
FIN 512 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN 612 Retirement and Estate Planning
FIN 699 Intro to FinTech
FIN 812 Advanced Personal Financial Planning
FRE 402 French Conversation and Pronunciation
FRE 502 Communication and Business French
FRE 515 Introduction to Business French
FRE 602 Business French in Practice
GEO 301 Marketing Geography
GEO 719 GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions
GMS 402 Introduction to Managerial Economics
GMS 422 Quality Management
GMS 450 Project Management
GMS 502 Management Control
GMS 522 International Marketing
GMS 528 Issues in Operations Management
GMS 550 Business-to-Business e-Commerce
GMS 690 The North American Business Environment
GMS 691 The Asian Business Environment
GMS 692 The European Business Environment
GMS 693 The Latin American and Caribbean Bus Environ
GMS 694 The African Business Environment
GMS 695 The Middle Eastern Business Environment
GMS 701 Purchasing and Supply Management I
GMS 723 International Trade
GMS 724 Management of International Enterprise
GMS 750 Consulting to Management
GMS 801 Purchasing and Supply Management II
GMS 802 Ethics and Regulation of Int'l Bus
GMS 803 Principles of Transportation
GMS 804 Studies in Global Supply Chain Management
GMS 805 Manufacturing Management
GMS 807 Supply Management for the Manufacturing Sector
GMS 850 Global Management Strategy
HTH 102 Service and Professionalism
HTI 746 Digital Marketing for Hosp/Tourism
HTT 607 Event Management
INP 915 Financial Management for Nonprofits
ITM 200 Fundamentals of Programming
ITM 305** Systems Analysis and Design
ITM 330 Supply Chain Process Architecture
ITM 350 Concepts of e-Business
ITM 410 Business Process Design
ITM 500 Data and Information Management
ITM 595 Auditing of Information Systems
ITM 610 Database Administration
ITM 696** Accounting Information Systems
ITM 750 IS Project Management
LAW 525 The Law of the Marketplace
LAW 529 Employment and Labour Law
LAW 533 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law
LAW 534 Government Regulation of Business
LAW 535 Environmental Law and Business
LAW 603 Advanced Business Law
LAW 703 Real Estate Law
LAW 722 Law and Canadian Business
LAW 723 Issues in Information Technology Law
LAW 724 Legal Aspects of International Business
MHR 505 Organizational Behaviour II
MHR 522 Union Management Relations
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MHR 600 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
MHR 623 Recruitment and Selection
MHR 640 Leadership
MHR 650 Management of Change
MHR 670 Special Topics in Org Behav and HR Mgmt
MHR 671 Human Resources Information Systems
MHR 700 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour
MHR 711 Occupational Health and Safety
MHR 721 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
MHR 733 Training and Development
MHR 741 Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams
MHR 749 Compensation Management
MHR 841 Organization Theory and Design
MHR 849 Human Resources Planning
MHR 850 Coaching, Facilitation and Internal Consulting
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 400 Understanding Consumers and the New Media
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 504 Effective Persuasion
MKT 510 Innovations in Marketing
MKT 600 Integrated Case Analysis
MKT 700 Business Intelligence/Decision Modeling
MKT 702 Advanced Marketing Management
MKT 723 Services Marketing
MKT 730 Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
MKT 802 Advanced Market Planning
MKT 828 Sport Marketing Concepts and Strategy
MKT 829 International Sport Marketing
MKT 850 Applied Research Project
OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
OHS 718 Systems Management I
PHL 307 Business Ethics
PLE 635 Feasibility Analysis of Development
PLX 333 City Building: Planning for Non-Planners
POG 100 People, Power and Politics
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
POG 210 Power and Authority in Canada
POG 214 Controversial Policy Topics
POG 225 Global Governance
POG 235 Western Political Thought
POG 313 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
POG 316 Social Policy
POG 317 Education Politics and Policy
POG 320 Social Identity and Citizenship
POG 323 The Politics of International Development
POG 410 Canadian Urban Politics
POG 411 Canadian Foreign Policy
POG 412 Government and the Economy
POG 415 Environmental Politics and Policy
POG 416 The Politics of Canadian Federalism
POG 417 Canadian-American Relations
POG 423 Nationalism and Identity
POG 425 Regional Economic and Political Integration
POG 426 Global Conflict and Peace
POG 431 Power, Domination and Resistance
POG 440 Indigenous Governance/Justice
POG 442 Women and Comparative Politics
POG 443 Global Cities
POG 444 Politics, Media and Technology
POG 446 Voters, Elections and Parties
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 102 Cdn Public Administration II: Processes
PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
PPA 211 Public Policy
PPA 301 Administrative Law
PPA 303 Financial Management
PPA 319 Politics of Work and Labour
PPA 335 Theories of Bureaucracy
PPA 401 Collaborative Governance
PPA 403 e-Government
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
QMS 442 Multiple Regression for Business
QMS 521 Business Optimization
QMS 522 Linear Algebra
QMS 703 Business Forecasting Techniques
REM 300 Introduction to Real Estate Management
REM 400 Real Estate Finance
REM 420 Sustainability in Real Estate
REM 500 Real Estate Development and Project Mgmt
REM 520 Real Estate Economics
REM 600 Housing and Construction Management
REM 620 Real Estate Investment Analysis
REM 660 Real Estate Strategic Management
REM 700 Real Estate Valuation
REM 750 Real Estate Research Methods
RMG 200 Intro to Retail and Services Management
RMG 302 Retail Consumer Insight
RMG 303 Managing the Retail Workplace
RMG 400 Merchandise Buying and Planning I
RMG 452 Visual Merchandising and Space Planning
RMG 902 Franchising
RMG 905 Design, Commerce and Culture
RMG 906 International Retail Markets
RMG 907 Relationship Marketing
RMG 909 Advanced Buying Process II
RMG 910 Omni-Channel Retailing
RMG 925 Leading in Retail Service Organizations
SOC 25A/B Media and Society
SOC 300 Sociology of Equity and Diversity
SOC 302 The City and Society
SOC 470 Toronto: The Changing City
SOC 472 At Work in a Changing World
SOC 525 Media and Images of Inequality
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 700 Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century
SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
SPN 515 Introduction to Business Spanish
SPN 702 Communication in Business Spanish

* FIN 65A/B and FIN 75A/B both have a GPA weight and course count of 1. 

** Students may complete one of ITM 305 or ITM 696 for credit toward the program.