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New Media Core Elective Table I

Core Elective Table I

Revised 2018-2019 for students admitted Fall 2015 and after.

Seven courses are required. A minimum of four must be selected from the New Media/Fine Art grouping below.

Not all courses will be offered every year, subject to course intentions and resource allocations.

Enrolment is subject to course requisites and timetabling constraints. Some courses are only available at night.

Students must complete a minimum of four (4) of the following New Media/Fine Art courses:

RTA 925 Making Objects
RTA 929 Multi-platform Narrative
RTA 930 Social Practices in Hybrid Media Spaces
RTA 932 Hacking, DIY and Open Source Cultures
RTA 933 Hacking, DIY and Open Source Studio
RTA 934 Virtual Identities and Communities
RTA 935 Institutional/ Personal Media Platforms
RTA 936 The Business of Art
RTA 939 Indigenous Media
RTA 946 Issues in New Media Theory/History
RTA 948 Interactive Spaces
RTA 953 Mobility and Mixed Reality
RTA 954 Empathy Machines
RTA 958 Networked Art
RTA 959 Visualization and Generative Processes
RTA 962 Interaction Design
RTA 965 Advanced New Media Topics
RTA 967 Interactivity and Net-working
RTA 968 Emerging New Media Practices

Other courses:

RTA 210 Media History
RTA 211 Production Theory
RTA 212 Media Writing
RTA 310 Media Aesthetics and Culture
RTA 311 Production: Intermediate Audio
RTA 312 Motion Graphics
RTA 314 Production: Intermediate Single-Camera
RTA 315 Business of Creative Media
RTA 316 Concepts in Narrative
RTA 893 Social Justice Media: Innovators, Creators
RTA 901 Advertising
RTA 902 Social Media
RTA 903 News and Current Affairs Theory
RTA 904 Advanced Media Management
RTA 905 History and Culture of Popular Music
RTA 906 Marketing for Media Professionals
RTA 907 Sound Media
RTA 908 Business of Producing I
RTA 909 Business of Producing II
RTA 910 Production Management
RTA 911 Directing and Performance
RTA 912 The Audience
RTA 913 Media Entrepreneurship
RTA 914 Business Case Studies in Communications
RTA 915 Legal Issues in Media
RTA 916 Advanced Media Marketing
RTA 917 Public Relations
RTA 918 Ethics in Media
RTA 919 The Art of Negotiation
RTA 921 Advanced Audio Theory
RTA 922 Transmedia Writing
RTA 923 Intro to Writing for Video Games
RTA 924 Design Solutions
RTA 926 Studies in Genre
RTA 927 Business of Music I
RTA 928 Gaming Theory and Practice
RTA 931 Inside the Frame
RTA 937 Business of Music II
RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
RTA 940 Canadian Televisual Studies
RTA 941 Dramatic Writing
RTA 942 Advertising Copywriting
RTA 943 Comedy Writing
RTA 944 Writing for Animation
RTA 945 Writing for Factual and Reality Programs
RTA 947 Live Event Media
RTA 949 Directed Study
RTA 950 Selected Topics in Media
RTA 951 Presentation I
RTA 952 Advanced Presentation and Field Production
RTA 955 Sports Broadcasting
RTA 956 Children's Programming
RTA 957 Documentary Production
RTA 960 Selected Topics in International Media
RTA 961 2-D and Object Animation
RTA 963 Web Design
RTA 966 Cooperative Internship
RTA 969 Television Technical Producing
RTA 970 Lighting, Grip and Effects Specialty
RTA 971 Audio Post Production and Sound Design
RTA 972 Sound Synthesis
RTA 973 Independent Production
RTA 974 Radio Broadcasting
RTA 975 Video Compositing and Special Effects
RTA 976 Broadcast Journalism
RTA 977 Current Affairs Production
RTA 978 Editing Specialty
RTA 979 Advanced Television Editing
RTA 981 Advanced Audio Production
RTA 982 Advanced Digital Media Production
RTA 983 Video Production - Advanced
RTA 985 Sound for Video Producers
RTA 986 Media for International Development
RTA 988 International Media Storytelling
RTA 989 Emerging Media Markets/Entrepreneurship
RTA 992 Social and Interactive Media for Sports
RTA 993 Sport Graphics
RTA 995 Embodied Digital Media: Research/Design
RTA 997 Advanced Gaming Theory and Practice

Optional Concentrations

A Concentration is a structured plan of study within a program (6 to 12 core or professional electives) that provides an opportunity for advanced or in-depth study in a particular area of interest.

Students may choose to complete one of the following five optional Concentrations from the Core Elective Table I. Concentrations must be formally declared and must be completed before graduation to be noted on the academic transcript

Concentration in Computational Media

Students will complete RTA 222 and RTA 320 plus four (4) of the following:

RTA 922 Transmedia Writing
RTA 923 Intro to Writing for Video Games
RTA 928 Gaming Theory and Practice
RTA 948 Interactive Spaces
RTA 953 Mobility and Mixed Reality
RTA 959 Visualization and Generative Processes

Concentration in Critical Media Theory

Students will complete RTA 101, RTA 220 and RTA 323, plus three (3) of the following:

RTA 903 News and Current Affairs Theory
RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
RTA 939 Indigenous Media
RTA 940 Canadian Televisual Studies
RTA 946 Issues in New Media Theory/History

Concentration in Narrative Media

Students will complete RTA 320, plus five (5) of the following:

RTA 212 Media Writing
RTA 922 Transmedia Writing
RTA 923 Intro to Writing for Video Games
RTA 929 Multi-platform Narrative
RTA 963 Web Design
RTA 975 Video Compositing and Special Effects
RTA 978 Editing Specialty

Concentration in Social Media

Students will complete RTA 521, plus five (5) of the following:

RTA 902 Social Media
RTA 917 Public Relations
RTA 930 Social Practices in Hybrid Media Spaces
RTA 932 Hacking, DIY and Open Source Cultures
RTA 933 Hacking, DIY and Open Source Studio
RTA 934 Virtual Identities and Communities
RTA 935 Institutional/ Personal Media Platforms
RTA 967 Interactivity and Net-working

Concentration in Tangible Media

Students will complete RTA 321 plus five (5) of the following:

RTA 925 Making Objects
RTA 953 Mobility and Mixed Reality
RTA 954 Empathy Machines
RTA 958 Networked Art
RTA 962 Interaction Design
RTA 968 Emerging New Media Practices