Addenda and Errata
The following is an inventory of additions and corrections to this calendar made after the initial publication date of March 1, 2017.
Date | Addenda/Errata |
March 2, 2017 | Accreditation information for Accounting, Finance, and Business Management programs in the Ted Rogers School of Management has been updated. |
March 6, 2017 | Business Management, Human Resources Management Major: A previous version of this page mistakenly stated that students wishing to be considered for the co-op program must apply upon completion of their third semester of the program. In fact, students must apply on completion of their fourth semester of the program. |
March 7, 2017 | Retail Management, Full-Time, Five-Year Co-Op Program, 6th Semester. A previous version of this page mistakenly stated that students take one Table A in this semester. In fact, students must complete one course from Table B in this semester. |
March 9, 2017 | The Glossary has been updated. |
March 20, 2017 | JRN 840: "Department Consent Required" has been removed. JRN 302: A previous version of this page stated that the prerequisites were JRN 202 and JRN 317. These prerequisites have been removed. CRM 400: the prerequisites should read as follows: CRM 100 or (POG 110 and POG 210) or POG 240 or (POL 101 and POL 102) HTT 202 is available on Environment and Urban Sustainability Table IV and Geographic Analysis Table IV. A previous version of these pages mistakenly omitted the course from the lists. FIN 512: A previous version of this page stated that the prerequisite was FIN 300 or HTA 602, In fact, the prerequisite is one of FIN 300, AFF 210 or HTA 602. FIN 612: A previous version of this page stated that the prerequisite was FIN 300 and the co-requisite was FIN 502. In fact, the prerequisite is FIN 502 or AFF 502; the co-requisite is FIN 300 or AFF 210. FIN 812: A previous version of this page stated that the prerequisites were ACC 522, FIN 501, FIN 512 and FIN 612. In fact, the prerequisites are (ACC 522 or AFA 517), (FIN 501 or AFF 501), (FIN 512 or AFF 512) and (FIN 612 or AFF 612). Nutrition and Food Table I: A previous version of this page was missing the "†" symbol adjacent to FNP 350. Courses required for Dietitians of Canada application are marked with this symbol. |
March 30, 2017 | On the page about Baccalaureate Credentials Awarded at Ryerson, we have added the statement, "English is the primary language of instruction." |
April 04, 2017 | On previous versions of some course list pages, the liberal studies "flags" were not showing. The attribute was showing properly on the the individual course pages. This has been fixed for all course lists. |
April 10, 2017 | Nutrition and Food: FNY 404 is not available as a Table I nor Open Elective Table choice to students in the Nutrition and Food program. |
April 19, 2017 | Media Production, 7th & 8th Semester, Required Group 1. Students who select RTA 710 in the fall may choose either RTA 810 in the winter or two courses from Open Elective Table. The options have been updated to reflect this choice. |
April 27, 2017 | Significant Dates: A previous version of this page stated that the Fall 2017 Convocation Ceremonies RSVP site opened and the Graduation Status Confirmation emails would be sent on Thursday, September 21, 2017. In fact, this will occur on Friday, September 22, 2017. |
April 27, 2017 | Significant Dates: A previous version of this page stated that the Spring 2017 Convocation Ceremonies RSVP site opened and the Graduation Status Confirmation emails would be sent on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. In fact, this will occur on Thursday, May 18, 2017. |
April 27, 2017 | MKT 400, MKT 500: Previous versions of these pages mistakenly stated that transfer credits will not be granted. In fact, transfer credits may be granted for these courses. |
May 03, 2017 | The Course Intentions section of the Course and Program Enrolment, Examinations page has been updated. General Course Enrolment Information has also been revised. The Final Grades section of the Grading, Promotion and Academic Standing page has been updated. Information about the course search fee has been added. Information about GPA Adjustments and Course Repeats has been added to the Grading, Promotion and Academic Standing page. The course titles for the following courses were amended at Senate on May 2: SCI 230 SCI 232 SCI 234 SCI 241 SCI 243 TEC 241 TEC 264 TEC 269 TEC 282 |
May 10, 2017 | Significant Dates: The dates for enrolment and fee payments for Engineering Transition Program and Optional Specialization Courses have been updated. |
May 12, 2017 | Significant Dates: A previous version of this page stated that the last day of undergraduate classes is Thursday, April 12, 2018. In fact, the last day of undergraduate classes is Friday, April 13, 2018. |
May 29, 2017 | Significant Dates: the dates to apply to graduate have been updated. Students may apply to graduate on RAMSS for Fall 2017 Convocation between Thursday, June 01, 2017 and Thursday, August 31, 2017. No fee applies June 1 to July 31. A non-refundable late fee applies from August 1 to August 31. Students may apply to graduate on RAMSS for Spring 2018 Convocation between Wednesday, November 01, 2017 and Sunday, April 15, 2018. No fee applies from November 1 to March 15. A non-refundable late fee applies from March 16 to April 15. Students may apply to graduate on RAMSS for Fall 2018 Convocation between Friday, June 01, 2018 and Friday, August 31, 2018. No fee applies June 1 to July 31. A non-refundable late fee applies August 1 to August 31. |
June 14, 2017 | Significant Dates: Monday July 31, 2017: The last day to apply for graduation on RAMSS ( for Fall 2017 Convocation. A nonrefundable late fee will apply after this date until August 31st, 2017. A previous version of this page (stated A nonrefundable late fee will apply after this date until August 11th, 2017) has been corrected. |
July 17, 2017 | The date Ryerson will officially confirm Fall 2017 graduation status, either approved or denied, has been changed from Friday September 22, 2017 to Wednesday September 20, 2017. The date Convocation Ceremonies RSVP site opens has been changed from Friday September 22, 2017 to Wednesday September 20, 2017. Fall 2017 Convocation dates have been changed from Wednesday October 11-12, 2017 to Tuesday October 10 - Thursday October 12, 2017. Complete details are available on the Convocation webpage (opens in new window) . |
July 17, 2017 | The date to be eligible for a full refund has been changed from Friday June 23 2017 to Friday July 7th, 2017. The date for the Last day to drop a Summer (June-August) undergraduate class for undergraduate students to be eligible for a 50% refund has been changed from Friday June 30, 2017 to Friday July 14, 2017. |
August 1, 2017 | A notation was added to the Co-operative options for Architectural Science (opens in new window) Students are expected to follow the sequence prescribed for their program. Deviation from the sequence requires the submission of a formal request to the Co-op Faculty Advisor and approval from the School. With permission from the School/Department, students may be allowed to graduate with the co-op endorsement with fewer than the prescribed work terms. |
August 24, 2017 | The following dates have been added to the Significant Dates: Wednesday, August 9, 2017: Final date for clearing any outstanding debt to ensure that Spring/Summer grades are not withheld. Wednesday, August 23, 2017: Last official date Spring/Summer 2017 grades and standings available to students on RAMSS.
August 29, 2017 | JRN 344 (opens in new window) : JRN 123 has been added as an antirequisite. |
September 8, 2017 | Undeclared Science - First Year Studies Only (opens in new window) : A previous version of this page stated that Biomedical Sciences was a plan that could be chosen for Undeclared Science students. In fact, Biomedical Sciences is not an optional plan for Undeclared Science students. |
September 18, 2017 | Business Technology Management (opens in new window) : ITM 820 has been added to Professional Table I with the annotation that ITM 820 is available as a Table I choice for students admitted Fall 2014 and prior. |
September 18, 2017 | RTA 983: RTA 984 has been added as an antirequisite. |
October 24, 2017 | The following dates have been updated in Significant Dates: The Last Day to Submit OSAP Appeals has been changed to Monday November 6, 2017. The Last Day to Submit OSAP Documentation for the current Fall term only has been changed to Monday, November 6, 2017. |
October 31, 2017 | The following dates have been updated in Significant Dates: The Last Day to apply for graduation on RAMSS for Spring Convocation with No Late Fee is Thursday, March 01, 2018. A non-refundable late fee applies from March 2 to April 15, 2018. |
November 29, 2017 | The following date has been added in Significant Dates: Winter Wait List Period for Engineering students: January 17 is the last day for Engineering students to add themselves to a wait-listed class. Engineering students who are successfully enrolled in a class from the wait list are responsible for all academic requirements and resulting tuition and fees.
December 17, 2017 | Undeclared Science – First Year Studies Only, Program Overview/Curriculum Information (opens in new window) : A previous version of this page stated that Biomedical Sciences was a plan that could be chosen for Undeclared Science students. In fact, Biomedical Sciences is not an optional plan for Undeclared Science students. |
December 22, 2017 | The following date has been added in Significant Dates: Friday, January 26, 2018 - Fall 2017 grades and standing will be available to Collaborative Nursing program (Centennial and George Brown) students on RAMSS. |
January 10, 2018 | Business Management, Marketing Management Major, Full-Time, Five-Year Co-Op Program, 8th Semester (opens in new window) : A previous version of this page mistakenly stated that One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies was required in 8th Semester. In fact, there is no Table B – Upper Level Liberal Studies course required in 8th Semester. |
February 26, 2018 | The following dates have been added to the Significant Dates (opens in new window) : Monday, June 25, 2018 - Saturday, June 30, 2018: First week of (June –August) UGRD Summer Session Classes, Classes begin for Summer Session Undergraduate classes. |
February 26, 2018 | Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy Table II (opens in new window) : The following text has been revised to state that a total of twelve courses is needed for Table II. A previous verison of this page stated ten courses were needed. "Within Table II, cross-category courses marked with an asterisk (*) , can “count” toward more than one category, (i.e. students can count PHL 502 as one of their five foundation courses and also as their History of Philosophy course) however, remember that a total of twelve Table II courses is required." |