Carrot City Designing for Urban Agriculture

Detroit Studio, Balduck Park

Exhibit Category / Catégorie de l'expo: City

Location/Emplacement: Detroit, MI, USA
Dates: n/a
Designers/Concepteurs: n/a
Clients: n/a

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Image Credits/Crédits d'images: n/a

Project Description: (version française ci-dessous)


The Detroit Studio, a community outreach program of the College of Architecture and Design at Lawrence Technological University, provides students and faculty with the opportunities for service learning, while assisting underserved communities in Detroit with community revitalization. The undergraduate students worked with the Balduck Park project sponsor, residents, and other key stakeholders to develop various concepts for the park master plan and a community centre-recreation complex in the park. The work was done according to principles of sustainable urban design and urban agriculture.

Balduck Park is one of the best-known community parks in Detroit, but over the past several years, it has been deteriorating and has become underutilized due to neglect, poor planning, and economic difficulties. The Balduck, Cannon, and Finney Community Development Corporation, our project sponsor for the Balduck Park Study Project, intends to develop Balduck Park as a catalyst for promoting sustainability and social, physical, and economic revitalization in the project area and its surrounding regions. The student projects are responses to their development goals. This display includes a proposal for the Balduck Park master plan concept and examples for the community centre-recreation complex design proposal.

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Description du Projet:

Texte français de ce projet n'existe pas encore.

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Scale (Carrot City Category)


Location: City

Location: Country