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Hospitality and Tourism Management Professionally-Related Table II
A total of five courses is required.
CMN 288 | Communication and Social Media |
CMN 305 | Strategic Public Relations in ProCom |
CMN 306 | Risk and Crisis Communication |
CMN 313 | Organizational Problem Solving and Report Writing |
CMN 314 | Professional Presentations |
CMN 315 | Issues in Organizational Communication |
CMN 316 | Questioning Data |
CMN 317 | Information, Technology, and Control |
CMN 413 | Corporate Communications |
CMN 414 | Interpersonal Communication |
CMN 443 | Contemporary Intercultural Communication |
CMN 447 | Communication and Law |
CMN 450 | Participatory Media and Communication |
CRB 605 | Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance |
ECN 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I |
ECN 502 | Economics of Energy and Natural Resources |
ECN 504 | Intermediate Microeconomics I |
ECN 506 | Money and Banking |
ECN 510 | Environmental Economics |
ECN 605 | Labour Economics |
ECN 606 | International Monetary Economics |
ECN 707 | Economics of International Trade I |
ECN 729 | Sports Economics |
ECN 808 | Economic Growth and Technological Change |
ENG 110 | Literatures Across Borders |
ENG 200 | Writing as a Cultural Act |
ENG 208 | Introduction to Non-Fiction |
ENG 416 | American Literatures |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENG 701 | Canadian Literatures |
ENH 121 | Health Law |
ENT 501 | Family Business in Canada |
ENT 526 | Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy |
ENT 527 | Theories in Entrepreneurship |
ENT 601 | Identifying Opportunities |
ENT 725 | Management of Innovation |
ENT 726 | Creating a Business Plan |
FIN 401 | Managerial Finance II |
FIN 501 | Investment Analysis |
FIN 502 | Personal Financial Planning |
FIN 510 | Small Business Finance |
FIN 512 | Risk Management and Insurance |
FIN 521 | Advanced Investment Management |
FIN 610 | Short-Term Financial Management |
FIN 611 | Fixed Income Securities |
FIN 621 | International Finance |
FIN 701 | Financial Intermediation |
FIN 800 | Ethics in Finance |
FRE 302 | French Food, Wine and Hospitality |
FRE 402 | French Conversation and Pronunciation |
FRE 502 | Communication and Business French |
FRE 515 | Introduction to Business French |
FRE 602 | Business French in Practice |
GEO 131 | Energy, Earth and Ecosystems |
GEO 151 | Location, Location, Location |
GEO 231 | Principles of Demography |
GEO 301 | Marketing Geography |
GEO 351 | Internal Structure of the City |
GEO 419 | Retailing, GIS and Geodemographics |
GEO 527 | Inequalities in Urban Neighbourhoods |
GEO 530 | Urban Economic Geography |
GEO 551 | Urbanization and Regional Development |
GEO 581 | GIS, Geographic Data and Mapping |
GEO 627 | Accessibility of Urban Social Services |
GEO 631 | Exploration in Travel and Tourism |
GEO 681 | GIS and Geographic Analysis |
GEO 691 | Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place |
GEO 703 | Perspectives on Environmental Management |
GEO 714 | GIS for the Municipal Professional I |
GEO 719 | GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions |
GEO 724 | GIS for the Municipal Professional II |
GEO 803 | Recreation and Tourism Analysis |
GMS 200 | Introduction to Global Management |
GMS 422 | Quality Management |
GMS 522 | International Marketing |
GMS 550 | Business-to-Business e-Commerce |
GMS 690 | The North American Business Environment |
GMS 691 | The Asian Business Environment |
GMS 723 | International Trade |
GMS 724 | Management of International Enterprise |
GMS 850 | Global Management Strategy |
HIM 301 | Healthcare Information Analysis |
HIM 404 | Introduction to Health Economics |
HIS 590 | Modern International Relations |
HSM 301 | The Healthcare Systems |
HSM 307 | Principles of Long Term Care Service Del. |
HSM 308 | Project Management - Long Term Care |
HSM 309 | Trends in Long Term Care Service Delivery |
HSM 310 | Institutional Structure |
HSM 437 | Human Resources Management in Healthcare |
ITM 200 | Fundamentals of Programming |
ITM 207 | Computer-Enabled Problem Solving |
ITM 305 | Systems Analysis and Design |
ITM 330 | Supply Chain Process Architecture |
ITM 350 | Concepts of e-Business |
ITM 410 | Business Process Design |
ITM 500 | Data and Information Management |
ITM 750 | IS Project Management |
LAW 321 | The Law of Hospitality and Tourism |
LAW 326 | Law for Health Managers |
LAW 525 | The Law of the Marketplace |
LAW 529 | Employment and Labour Law |
LAW 603 | Advanced Business Law |
LAW 703 | Real Estate Law |
LAW 723 | Issues in Information Technology Law |
LAW 724 | Legal Aspects of International Business |
MHR 505 | Organizational Behaviour II |
MHR 520 | Industrial Relations Foundations |
MHR 522 | Union Management Relations |
MHR 600 | Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace |
MHR 623 | Recruitment and Selection |
MHR 640 | Leadership |
MHR 650 | Management of Change |
MHR 700 | Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour |
MHR 711 | Occupational Health and Safety |
MHR 721 | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
MHR 733 | Training and Development |
MHR 741 | Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams |
MHR 749 | Compensation Management |
MHR 841 | Organization Theory and Design |
MHR 849 | Human Resources Planning |
MHR 850 | Coaching, Facilitation and Internal Consulting |
MKT 300 | Marketing Metrics and Analysis |
MKT 400 | Understanding Consumers and the New Media |
MKT 504 | Effective Persuasion |
MKT 510 | Innovations in Marketing |
MKT 600 | Integrated Case Analysis |
MKT 700 | Business Intelligence/Decision Modeling |
MKT 723 | Services Marketing |
MKT 730 | Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities |
MKT 731 | Competitive Intelligence |
MKT 828 | Sport Marketing Concepts and Strategy |
MKT 829 | International Sport Marketing |
MKT 850 | Applied Research Project |
OHS 208 | Occupational Health and Safety Law |
PHL 302 | Ethics and Health Care |
PLE 635 | Feasibility Analysis of Development |
PLX 333 | City Building: Planning for Non-Planners |
POG 315 | Equity and Human Rights in Canada |
PSY 102 | Introduction to Psychology I |
PSY 108 | Applied Problem Solving |
PSY 805 | Adjustment, Stress and Coping |
QMS 202 | Business Statistics II |
QMS 442 | Multiple Regression for Business |
REM 300 | Introduction to Real Estate Management |
REM 400 | Real Estate Finance |
REM 420 | Sustainability in Real Estate |
REM 500 | Real Estate Development and Project Mgmt |
REM 520 | Real Estate Economics |
REM 600 | Housing and Construction Management |
REM 620 | Real Estate Investment Analysis |
REM 660 | Real Estate Strategic Management |
REM 700 | Real Estate Valuation |
REM 750 | Real Estate Research Methods |
RMG 200 | Intro to Retail and Services Management |
RMG 302 | Retail Consumer Insight |
RMG 400 | Merchandise Buying and Planning I |
RMG 434 | Intro to Logistics and Supply Chain Mgmt |
RMG 452 | Visual Merchandising and Space Planning |
RMG 817 | Digital Advertising in Retailing |
RMG 821 | Research and Analytics in Social Media |
RMG 905 | Design, Commerce and Culture |
RMG 906 | International Retail Markets |
RMG 907 | Relationship Marketing |
RMG 909 | Advanced Buying Process II |
RMG 910 | Omni-Channel Retailing |
RMG 922 | Retailing 2.0: Social Media Marketing |
SPN 402 | Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation |
SPN 515 | Introduction to Business Spanish |
SPN 702 | Communication in Business Spanish |
SPN 802 | Spanish for Business Strategies |