Course-specific tip sheets are currently avaialble for the following courses:
QMS 110 | QMS 130 | QMS 202 | QMS 210
Course Tutoring is offered by PASS for select courses at TRSM.
Student Life & Learning Support offer a variety of math and computer science supports, including: math ready summer programs, one-to-one tutoring, course-specific group tutoring, and midterm and exam review for students requiring math help.
Khan Academy
ANOVA 1: Calculating SST (total sum of squares) | Probability and Statistics
Hypothesis testing and p-values | Inferential statistics | Probability and Statistics
ANOVA 2: Calculating SSW and SSB (total sum of squares within and between
Quant Quill
Casio: One-Way ANOVA, entering data in List 1, List 2