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TedPack Testimonials

Hear about the first-year experience as our Ted Rogers School students found community in their TedPacks.

Ishmam Sayef

Ishmam Sayef

"TedPacks have significantly helped in reducing the stress of my first year. It allowed me to discuss my university-related challenges, including assignments, exam preparation, and many more. Furthermore, It also helped me make lasting connections as it allowed me to connect with other first-year students who were experiencing similar issues."

Ayman Bari

Ayman Bari

"Being in a TedPack has allowed me to Attend Networking Sessions, Case Competitions and FFB events. I realize that I can have normal conversations with people I meet for the first time. Just because they work at a reputable company or at a position we highly respect does not mean they are not people like us who have hobbies, passions and interests. I am very grateful to the FFB, student groups and all other parties who give opportunities to students like me to break out of their shells and see a glimpse of all the opportunities that are available to us in this hustling downtown city."

Michaela Callender

Michaela Callender

"Being in a TedPack was useful because it was a tool for finding and communicating resources, building connections with peers and providing reminders on exams and studies. Transitioning into an environment like a university was and is very overwhelming. FitForBusiness helped majorly with building connections with the TRSM faculty and community and prepping me for the years following at TMU."

Kazi Rafiah

Kazi Rafiah

"TedPacks helped me find classmates in my courses whom I share closed bonds with. They helped me with stuff that I didn't understand and helped me adjust to Canada being an international student. I also made friends with people in other TedPacks who became my really close friends, and I attended events with them. They helped with my mental health and stayed by my side whenever I needed anything and encouraged me that I could do better."