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First-year success stories

Students who started in the 2023/2024 school year made a great impact in the Ted Rogers School of Management community through their engagement in the different resources offered and the school. Read some of their success stories below.

Kylie Chen
Kylie Chen, Business Technology Management

"I was initially nervous about my first year, but taking the initiative early on paid off. This year involved stepping out of my comfort zone by applying for roles in student groups, networking, participating in class, and attending events. I'm proud to have joined several student groups like Enactus TMU, WITM, TMUCSA, and FFB, which have helped me learn, develop skills, and build connections.

I've made close friends within TRSM, and I look forward to seeing them both in and out of class. Although there are still 4 years to go, I expect time to fly by. I’m excited to see how my professional and academic journey unfolds. Despite initial stress, I’ve learned that with TMU's resources, supportive community, and personal effort, everything works out in the end."

Sena Yuce
Sena Yuce, Accounting and Finance

"I am proud to have experienced university life as a first-year student at TRSM. Adjusting to the lifestyle and schedule was a concern, but the resources provided by TRSM, especially Ted Packs, helped me adapt quickly and meet new people.

Eager to learn about others' journeys, I actively participated in TRSM events and met many fantastic individuals. One highlight was the Charity Week Auction Gala by Islamic Relief TMU, strengthening my sense of community and cultural identity while helping those in need.

Despite challenges, I achieved a lot in my first year, from adapting to the new environment to forming friendships and achieving academic success. Moving forward, I am committed to engaging with the TRSM community and making a positive impact. The greatest lesson I've learned is to embrace challenges, as those who can withstand the most pressure shine the brightest."

Matteo Santaluce

Matteo Santaluce, Business Technology Management

"When I started the Business Technology Management program, I was excited but nervous. During the summer, I attended TRSM Essentials events hosted by Fit For Business. I joined TRACE, a case competition team, and placed first in the Management Consulting category at the Aspire conference, also competing in the ACE Canada Nationals.

As a commuter student, making friends can be tough, but extracurriculars helped me build lasting relationships. The TedPack program was particularly helpful, as having the same classmates for all first-semester classes allowed me to get to know them quickly. TedPacks were a key reason I chose TRSM, and I credit many of my friendships to this program."

Omar Ardromli
Omar Ardromli, Business Technology Management

"My first year at Toronto Metropolitan University in the Business Technology Management program was filled with challenges and achievements. Bootcamps helped me improve my Excel skills and earn a badge. ITM100 tested my adaptability, but with support from friends and the collaborative TRSM environment, I turned challenges into learning opportunities. 

TMU's helpful professors made a significant impact. A standout experience was an event for earning Ted points, where Kevin's advice to "live like an athlete" was particularly inspiring.

Thanks to Fit for Business for the opportunities and support during my first year, which were crucial for my growth and success."

Christ-Vie Phoba
Christ-Vie Phoba, Business Management

"Starting my first year, I felt a mix of apprehension and confidence about balancing a full-time job and coursework. I knew it would be challenging, but with discipline, motivation, perseverance, and support, I believed I could succeed. I utilized university support services and enrolled in the Navigate TMU Program, which introduced me to new people and valuable techniques for thriving at university. I learned the importance of being intentional about my time and defining my goals beyond academics.

I advise incoming students to identify their goals and explore university resources to enhance their journey. Despite my job's demands, I excelled academically and immersed myself in campus life, making my first year a rewarding experience. I look forward to continuing this journey of growth and accomplishment."