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Part-time instructors needed to teach Marketing courses

The Marketing Management Department at the Ted Rogers School of Management is looking to add to its roster of part-time instructors to teach marketing courses either in the evening, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. or during the day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Ted Rogers School of Marketing Management logo
A teacher is giving a lesson to students. A male student wearing a yellow shirt is raising his hand.

The minimum required to be hired to teach as a contract lecturer (part-time instructor) is a Masters Degree in Business. However, we are not looking for just the minimum requirement. Other characteristics that would be important for a successful candidate to hold are as follows;

  • At least 5 years of career experience (more is always better) as a professional marketer (e.g. in brand or product management, product development, strategic marketing, marketing research, social media marketing, customer analytics, etc).
  • Communication and presentation skills are a must.
  • Ability to adapt to changing environments.
  • Willingness to bring real-world experience/examples into the classroom to help students appreciate how to apply the marketing theory.

5 Years career experience

Communication & presentation skills

Willingness to bring real-world experience

Interested? Send us an email

If you think you have the enthusiasm and skillset to teach any of the courses above, feel free to send a short email to (opens in new window) , with the subject line: I’m interested in part-time teaching, indicating why you would be interested in teaching for Marketing Management Department and highlighting your expertise for teaching the courses in which you would be interested.

Examples of some of the courses which may be available to teach

Introductory Marketing 

This is a high level, broad based marketing course, where students are introduced to all aspects of marketing at a high level.

Marketing Metrics 

Marketing Metrics is a numbers course, where the marketing math is taught. It is less about marketing theory and more about the marketing calculations that are important to be a successful marketer.

Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour is a second-year course which specializes in the specifics around understanding and motivating consumer buying behaviour.

Market Research

Market Research is a third-year course which focuses on the different techniques and underlying theory of qualitative and quantitative market research.

Services Marketing

Services Marketing is a third-year specialty course which focuses on the specific aspects and challenges of the marketing of services.

Brand Management

This is a second-year course that focuses on the theory and application of brand management as well as the strategic aspects of branding as well as building and maintaining brand equity.

Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing Communications is a third-year course which emphasizes the theories and concepts as it relates specifically to all forms of marketing traditional and new forms of persuasive communication.

New Product Development

New Product Development is a third-year specialty course which focuses on the theory and management of new product development as well as how to assess and manage new market opportunities.

Data Analytics 

This is a third-year numbers course. Students learn how to manage large datasets and make sense of the data to produce meaningful information that can be used for decision-making purposes.

Personal Selling

Personal Selling is a second-year course which focuses on all aspects of selling products and services.

Advanced Marketing Management

Advanced Marketing Management is a fourth-year capstone (final year) course which brings all aspects of marketing back together again. Making use of the theory learned in previous marketing courses, students apply it in real world cases.

Marketing Consulting

This final course focuses on guiding students through the consulting journey. Working in groups, students engage with real-world companies who have marketing problems/opportunities. They are provided with the tools to develop solutions and present them in the form of a marketing plan to the client.


We are not soliciting candidates for any current job opportunities. We are looking to meet individuals with the enthusiasm and skillset to discuss and prepare them to apply for teaching opportunities in the future. Note, that unfortunately, we will be unable to contact all interested parties. However, if you possess the skillset needed to be successful for future opportunities, we will be sure to reach out and discuss them with you. Should you decide to apply for future opportunities, you will engage in a competitive process outlined in the collective agreement for all teaching opportunities for contract lecturers. All candidates will be evaluated based on a standardized criteria and candidates with the highest scores will be offered the opportunity.