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Campus Resources & Community Services

Medical Centre (opens in new window) 

The Medical Centre offers health services to current TMU students, staff and faculty, such as physicals, mental health assessments, and assessments for common medical problems.

Centre for Student Development and Counselling (CSDC) (opens in new window) 

Upon initial contact, a quick-access initial counselling appointment will be arranged, where you will meet one-on-one with a professional counsellor who will provide immediate support, help you to explore and understand your concerns, and work with you to make a plan for coping and next steps. The CSDC offers individual counselling, group counselling, peer-to-peer support, referrals to community supports, and more.

Student Groups or Student Led Services

Naloxone kit distribution

Directory to locations that distribute naloxone kits (external link, opens in new window) .

Access to harm reduction supplies

(e.g. sterile syringes, pipes for smoking)

Look for a service provider here. (external link, opens in new window) 

Supervised Consumption Sites

Places where individuals can bring their own drugs to use in the presence of trained health professionals.

Directory to service locations & hours (external link, opens in new window) .