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Filming, Photography & Media Requests

Can I take pictures or video in the SLC?

Yes! We encourage students to take photos and document their experience at the SLC or use it for media projects. The SLC is here to support students and all of your academic needs.

To make sure all students are respected, there are a few guidelines: 

  • Respect other users of the space. Minimize disruption to the students around you.
  • Leave the SLC clean.
  • Be respectful of privacy.
  • Abide by Toronto Metropolitan University codes of conduct and the SLC principles.
  • Assume responsibility for costs associated with damage to the premises which occur as a result of the filming.
  • Advise SLC staff of any problems which arise during the film shoot.

If you are planning a photoshoot or film shoot you will need a Media Pass. Media Passes can be picked up at the SLC Welcome Desk. (Casual unplanned photos in the space do not require a media pass.)

The SLC reserves the right to revoke media passes issued in violation of the policy or TMU Student Code of Conduct. Any breach of SLC and/or TMU guidelines may also result in a suspension of media pass privileges.

Media Passes

Media passes help the TMU community identify if a film/photo crew has been authorized to be in the space.

  • Check in at the SLC Welcome Desk, just inside the Gould Street main entrance doors. If the Welcome Desk is closed, please check in at the SLC Headquarters (located on the fifth floor in room SLC 516).
  • Trade your Toronto Metropolitan University OneCard for a Media Pass.
  • Wear this pass in a visible place while on your shoot or be prepared to show it if asked by SLC staff.
  • At the end of your shoot, bring the Media Pass back to the Welcome Desk and your OneCard will be returned to you.

External to Toronto Metropolitan University?

Individuals or media organizations external to the Toronto Metropolitan University community of students, faculty and staff should email our team at prior to shooting any film or photographs in the SLC.  

Note that external commercial shoots are not permitted in the Student Learning Centre without first receiving explicit permission from our team prior to arrival. Commercial shoots are identified as any filming, still photography and/or video production that is making or intended to make profit. The SLC’s priority is to provide space for our students. We aim to minimize disruption to student use.

Is there anywhere that I am not allowed to film or photograph? 

  • Filming or photography is not permitted on the 7th floor as it is designated for quiet study only.
  • Any filming on the Floor 4 should be first cleared with Student Life & Learning Support (
  • No filming is permitted from the start of an exam period until the end of the exam period.
  • Please be respectful of other students and minimize disruption.