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Senate Priorities Committee (SPC) Membership - 2024-2025 (15 Members)




Mohamed Lachemi

President and Vice-Chancellor (Chair)

Kateryna Metersky

Vice-Chair, Senate; Faculty of Community Services, Nursing 

Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano 

Provost and Vice-President, Academic

Kimberley McCausland (Interim)

Vice Provost, University Planning

Sean Kheraj  Vice-Provost, Academic

Donna Bell

Secretary of Senate (non-voting)

Elected Senators



Pam Sugiman

Dean, Faculty of Arts 

Bouchaib Bahli Faculty Senator, Ted Rogers School of Management

Alex Ferworn

Faculty Senator, Faculty of Science 

Jennifer McArthur Faculty Senator, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science 
Commodore (Ravi) Ravindran Faculty Senator, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science 
Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi Faculty Senator, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science 


Undergraduate/Law Student Senator

*TBC Undergraduate/Law/Chang Student Senator /Student Union Representative
*TBC Graduate Student Senator 

*Note, names of student senators are confirmed in September, after Senate Orientation has occurred.