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Research Ethics Board (REB)

As per Senate Bylaw #1: 

6.9.1. Composition:

To ensure compliance with current Tri-Council Policy requiring the independence of REB decision-making, institutional senior administrators shall not serve on the REB. The REB shall have diverse representation across all Faculties at the University. The specific composition will be specified by the Senate policy governing the ethical conduct for research involving human participants. Senate shall consider each year a list of members nominated by the Vice President Research and Innovation. Senate may approve or reject the list in its entirety, but may not alter the list.

 The REB shall consist of:

  • One Chair with experience in research ethics;
  • One Vice Chair with experience in research ethics;
  • At least 12 faculty members, including representation from each Faculty to ensure adequate expertise in relevant research disciplines, fields, and methodologies covered by the REB;
  • At least three members representing the School of Graduate Studies;
  • At least one member knowledgeable in ethics theory, knowledge, and practice;
  • At least one member knowledgeable in relevant law (cannot be legal counsel or risk management representative for the university);
  • At least four community members who have no current affiliation with the institution;
  • At least two undergraduate students;
  • At least two graduate students;
  • At least one member who self identifies as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis and/or who is informed in the traditional knowledge and culture of First Nations, Inuit or Métis peoples.

The above-noted composition is the minimum requirement. The REB shall establish the necessary composition above and beyond these minimal requirements to ensure adequate and appropriate review of ethics protocols and to ensure protocols are reviewed in a timely manner. Given the demands on the REB, representation shall surpass the minimum requirement to ensure efficient and timely review of ethics protocols.

The REB shall make use of ad hoc advisors in the event that it lacks specific expertise and/or to assist with excessive workload. Ad hoc reviewers shall not be counted in quorum for the REB, nor be allowed to vote.

REB Chair, constituted by the Vice-President Research and Innovation, and approved by Senate, is responsible for ensuring that the REB review process conforms to the requirements of the TCPS and University policies and procedures. The REB Chair provides overall leadership for the REB, oversees decisions of the REB for consistency, and ensures that REB decisions are recorded accurately and communicated clearly to researchers in writing as soon as possible by the Chair or his or her designate.

6.9.2. Terms of Reference: to protect research participants and ensure that research is conducted in an ethical anner; and to review and evaluate all proposed or ongoing research involving human participants that is conducted within or under the auspices of Toronto Metropolitan University by faculty,

staff, or students of the University. No research involving human participants shall be undertaken without the prior written approval of the REB;

6.9.3. Reporting:

The REB reports directly to Senate regarding its regular business. It directs to the SRCAC recommendations regarding policy changes or proposed changes to its terms of reference or composition.