Message from the Dean
Greetings, FOS community members,
Welcome to 2021. This will be a year of hope and reconnection. I continue to take deep pride in the manner in which we have collectively walked the complicated and challenging path of pandemic life. We will always find strength in each other.
Looking back on 2020, in hindsight we could not have predicted how the year would unfold. Everything was far from typical and yet we forged ahead with great pivots in SRC activities and teaching approaches. In some ways, 2020 provided us with an opportunity to reflect on what really matters. I believe we will take those reflections into 2021.
I know we all have questions about the future. Some have clear answers, some do not. Here are just a few:
Should I get the vaccine? Yes, you should! The COVID vaccines, as with all vaccines, are based on really strong scientific evidence and decades of study and refinement. Vaccines save lives. Get vaccinated!
Will we return to campus in Fall 2021? I sincerely hope so, and I believe this is a real possibility. But that depends on how we behave as a society over the coming months. If we follow the scientifically derived advice of our leaders, we definitely could return to campus in some form in the fall. Let’s be vigilant so that we can see each other sooner than later.
What will work look like when we return? The pandemic has opened our minds to a more flexible approach to working. Now is the time to gather ideas and make suggestions as we plan our return. Our bottom line is that we collectively serve our students in their quest for new knowledge. I’m sure they will bring incredible energy back to campus.
In the Dean’s Office, we will keep finding creative ways to support everyone through what we hope is the final push to post-pandemic life. In the meanwhile, my sincere gratitude again for the commitment, creativity and diligence everyone has shown.
Dave Cramb
Dean, Faculty of Science