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Department of Chemistry and Biology

With wide-ranging expertise and nationally recognized research, faculty and students push the boundaries of knowledge to create meaningful impacts on the world's ecology, health and everyday lives.

Chemistry & Biology Website
Department Chair: Dr. Costin Antonescu

Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science equips students to translate theoretical knowledge into cutting-edge applications, including robotics, virtual reality, machine learning, cybersecurity, data science, and more.

Computer Science Website
Department Chair: Dr. Dave Mason

Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics explores applied topics within the broad fields of discrete math and biomathematics, and is also home to one of the largest financial mathematics research groups in Canada.

Mathematics Website
Department Chair: Dr. Dejan Delic

Department of Physics

The Department of Physics offers rich research opportunities in medical physics, and is also one of only a few schools in North America to offer formal training in the emerging field of complex systems.

Physics Website
Department Chair: Dr. Jahan Tavakkoli