Service and Leadership Awards

Nominate a deserving faculty or staff member for a Service and Leadership Award. Review the awards listed here to submit your nominations.
President's Blue and Gold Award of Excellence
Recognizes individuals and cross-functional teams in administration of the university, advancing its mission and demonstrating its values by providing services and participating in or leading teams.
Eligibility: Staff positions (senior administrators or directors, MAC, OPSEU and CUPE 233)
Key criteria: Innovation; operational excellence; people first
Alan Shepard Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Employee Award
Recognizes individuals and teams who advance equity, diversity and inclusion by providing services for diverse populations, fostering an inclusive environment inside and/or outside the classroom and/or addressing equity.
Eligibility: TMU faculty and staff
Key criteria: Equity, diversity and inclusion
Errol Aspevig Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership
Recognizes advancement of TMU's mission through extraordinary and outstanding academic leadership and significant contributions to academic life.
Eligibility: Senior academic leaders
Key criteria: Leadership
Linda Grayson Administrative Leadership Award
Recognizes exceptional leadership through managing a project, activity or team, to achieve outstanding results.
Eligibility: Senior administrators or directors, MAC, CUPE 233 or OPSEU employees with at least two years of service
Key criteria: Leadership; people first
Larissa Allen Employee Experience Staff Award
Recognizes improvement of employee well-being by engaging and supporting employees to positively impact staff and/or faculty experience.
Eligibility: Senior administrators or directors, MAC, CUPE 233 or OPSEU employees with at least two years of service
Key criteria: Employee well-being; people first
Julia Hanigsberg Make Your Mark Staff Awards
Recognizes up to six individuals and teams who demonstrated excellence in: client service, community engagement, innovation, and sustainability.
Eligibility: MAC, CUPE 233 or OPSEU employees with at least one year of service
Key criteria: Client service; community engagement; innovation; sustainability
Recognizes exceptional or distinguished service to a department, school, faculty and/or the university.
Eligibility: TFA (excluding chairs and directors)
Key criteria: Service
Recognizes demonstrated excellence in professional service to a unit, the university and/or the community.
Eligibility: TFA counsellors
Key criteria: Service
Recognizes demonstrated excellence in professional service to a unit, the university and/or the community.
Eligibility: TFA librarians
Key criteria: Service
AVP International's Global Learning Award
Recognizes individuals or teams who have made significant contributions to Global Learning at TMU.
Eligibility: TMU faculty and staff
Key criteria: Service, leadership, and innovation