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Research Digest - 2023


"The Canadian Non-profit Sector: Neoliberalism and the Assault on Community".  John Shields, Ted Richmond. Fernwood. 12/1/2023. Accepted.

Peer reviewed articles

"Understanding support for municipal political parties: Evidence from Canada". R. Michael McGregor (TMU), Jack Lucas (Calgary), Chris Erl (TMU) and Cameron Anderson (Western). Urban Affairs Review. 12/18/2023. Accepted.

"Canada’s Lobbying Industry: Business and Public Interest Advocacy from Harper to Trudeau". Bryan Evans (TMU), Nicolas Graham (UBC); David Chen (University of Toronto). Canadian Journal of Political Science, 56:4. 12/15/2023. Advance view. doi:10.1017/S0008423923000628.



Rob Goodman. Review of "Power and Persuasion in Cicero’s Philosophy," edited by Nathan Gilbert, Margaret Graver, and Sean McConnell. Journal of Roman Studies. 12/19/2023. Accepted.


Michael McGregor. "SSHRC Awards to Scholarly Publications Program". Nicole Goodman (Brock), Helen Hayes (McGill), Scott Pruysers (Dalhousie), Zac Spicer (York). 12/15/2023. The value of this grant is $8,000. This funding will cover publication costs for a forthcoming book, entitled: Voting Online: Technology and Democracy in Municipal Elections, published with McGill-Queen's University Press.


Daniel Rubenson. "Fernand Braudel Fellow". Daniel Rubenson has been awarded a Fernand Braudel Fellowship from the European University Institute in Florence for the Fall 2024.

Peer reviewed articles

Canada’s Lobbying Industry: Business and Public Interest Advocacy from Harper to Trudeau. Nick Graham (UBC), Bryan Evans (TMU), David Chen (U of T). Canadian Journal of Political Science. Winter 2024. 7/14/2023. Accepted. 10.1017/S0008423923000628.

Policy capacity research: An overview and bibliography of the international literature, 1978 to 2023. Bryan Evans (TMU), Bobby Thomas Cameron, University of Prince Edward Island. International Review of Public Policy. 11/12/2023. Accepted. 

What’s Going on In There?: Canadian Government Policy Labs and the Public Value Paradigm. Bryan Evans (TMU), Adam Wellstead (Michigan Technological University), Nora Ottenhof (doctoral candidate, TMU). Canadian Public Administration. Volume 64, issue 4 (December 2023). 11/13/2024. Accepted.

Conference presentations

John Shields. The Whole-of-Society Approach and Social Resilience: The Cases of Advocacy and Collaboration & Partnership. BMRC-IRMU Final Partnership Meeting/Conference, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Quebec. 10/12/2023. 

Transforming Settlement and Integration Services During a Pandemic. John Shields (TMU), Valerie Preston (York University) and Jayesh D’Souza (York University). Panel: Honouring Joe Garcea II: Membership, Multiculturalism, and Migration, Prairie Political Science Association 14th Annual Conference, Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta. 9/24/2023. 

John Shields. Collaboration and advocacy during COVID: Facilitating the digital transformation in Ontario agencies. Session: Going Hybrid: Lessons from Quebec and Ontario Immigrant-Serving Agencies During the Pandemic, Pathways to Prosperity 2023 National Conference. 11/21/2023. 

Service models: From in-person to remote and hybrid in Ontario immigrant-serving agencies. John Shields (TMU), Jayesh D’Souza (York University) Valerie Preston (York University), Kelly Sung (TMU). Session: Going Hybrid: Lessons from Quebec and Ontario Immigrant-Serving Agencies During the Pandemic, Pathways to Prosperity 2023 National Conference. 11/21/2013. 

Mobilizing Votes With Nonpolitical Identity: Evidence From Field Experiments With Football Supporters. Daniel Rubenson, Chris Dawes (NYU), Sven Oskarsson (Uppsala), Pär Nyman (Uppsala). The Workshop on Sports and Identity, NYU Florence, Oct 27 and 28, 2023. 

Property Rights and Prosociality. Daniel Rubenson, Peter Loewen (UofT), Julian Gerez (Columbia University). The Symposium on Cultures of Trust and Institutions of Freedom, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, Nov 29-Dec 3, 2023.

Cathy Crowe. Human Rights and Equity. Ontario Nurses Association conference. 11/6/2023.

Invited talks

Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Gendered Pathways to Political Legitimacy: Men versus Women Leaders in Charismatic Movements. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 11/13/2023.

Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Argentina: Elections 2023. University of Toronto, Latin American Studies Program. 11/16/2023.

Daniel Rubenson. Mobilizing votes with nonpolitical identity: Evidence from field experiments in seven elections. The Frisch Seminar, The Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, University of Oslo, December 6, 2023. 

Rob Goodman. Not Here: Canada and the U.S. in the Age of Democratic Erosion. Oakville Central Library. 11/13/2023.

Rob Goodman. Not Here: Canada and the U.S. in the Age of Democratic Erosion. Markham Civic Centre. 11/16/2023.

Rob Goodman. Not Here: Canada and the U.S. in the Age of Democratic Erosion. Bill Graham Centre, University of Toronto. 11/20/2023.


Miriam Anderson has been named to the international editorial board for the Women, Peace, and Security book series with De Gruyter press. The series is edited by Jacqui True and Sara Davies.


Life on Basic Income: Stories From Southern Ontario. Mohammad Ferdosi, Tom McDowell, Amy Ma, Kendal David, Rebekah Ederer, Beth Martin. Carleton University. 11/27/2023. Public Report.  (PDF file) (external link) .

Daniel Rubenson and Chris Dawes (NYU) organized and hosted a two day workshop on Sports and Social Identity at NYU Florence, Florence, Italy, October 27-28, 2023. 

Sanjay Ruparelia. Moderator: "Democracy in Crisis", Educating for Democracy Symposium, CIVIX, Toronto. Panelists included Sam Jeffers (Who Targets Me), Miriam Lapp (Elections Canada), and Erik Merkley (University of Toronto). 11/7/2023. 

Sanjay Ruparelia. Co-organizer: Maria Popova, "The Path to War in Russia and Ukraine," On the Frontlines of Democracy, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library. Discussants: Sanjay Ruparelia and Arne Kislenko (TMU).

Sanjay Ruparelia. Podcast: "The India-Canada Conundrum," Grand Tamasha, Carnegie Endowment of International Peace, Washington, D.C., and the Hindustan Times. 11/7/2023. (external link) .


Voting Online: Technology and Democracy in Municipal Elections. Nicole Goodman (Brock), Helen Hayes (McGill), R. Michael McGregor (TMU), Scott Pruysers (Dalhousie), and Zachary Spicer (York). McGill-Queen's University Press. 10/31/2023. Accepted.

Conference presentations

Leadership Where It Counts. Paul Rinkoff. New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services Symposium, Albany NY. 9/28/2023.

Basic Income...It Still Matters (external link, opens in new window) . Mohammad Ferdosi. Co presented with Tom McDowell and Beth Martin. 10/27/2023.

Invited talks

Gendered Pathways to Political Legitimacy: Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Men versus Women Leaders in Charismatic Movements. University of Toronto's Department of Political Science Seminar Series. 10/20/2023. 


 (PDF file) Life on Basic Income: Stories from Southern Ontario (external link, opens in new window) . With a Special Foreword by Kathleen Wynne, Former Premier of Ontario. Mohammad Ferdosi, Tom McDowell, Amy Ma, Kendal David, Rebekah Ederer and Beth Martin. Carleton University, School of Social Work. 10/27/2023. Published. 

How does confrontation with India fit in with Canada’s Indo-Pacific ‘pivot’? (external link, opens in new window)  Sanjay Ruparelia. In Focus, a podcast of The Hindu, a major newspaper in India. 10/10/2023. Published. 

Canada-India Relations. Sanjay Ruparelia. Roundtable, Institute for South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore.. 10/12/2023. 

Sanjay Ruparelia, Organizer: Rob Goodman, "Not Here: Why American Democracy Is Eroding and How Canada Can Protect Itself," On the Frontlines of Democracy, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library, 26 October 2023. Discussants: Sanjay Ruparelia and Jennifer Tunnicliffe (TMU). 10/26/2023. 

Sanjay Ruparelia, Co-organizer: "Comparative Analytical Perspectives on Democratic Backsliding," a workshop. Presenters: Amel Ahmed (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Max Cameron (UBC), Antoinette Handley (University of Toronto), Erik Kuhonta (McGill), Sanjay Ruparelia (TMU), Maya Tudor (Oxford). Discussants: Caitlin Andrews-Lee (TMU), Rob Goodman (TMU), Lucan Way (University of Toronto).. 10/30/2023. 


Peer reviewed articles

Op-ed / Essays

Olivia Chow should lead a ‘disaster tour’ of community housing and shelters. Op-ed Toronto Star. Cathy Crowe. 7/22/2023.

Book chapters

The opportunities and challenges of courting India, (external link)  in Maxwell A. Cameron, David Gillies and David Carment (eds), Democracy and Foreign Policy in an Era of Uncertainty-Canada Among Nations 2022 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023). Sanjay Ruparelia. Published.

Conference presentations

Gendered Pathways to Charismatic Authority: An Analysis of Men and Women Leaders in Argentina’s Peronist Movement. American Political Science Association. Caitlin Andrews-Lee. 9/3/2023.

Using Non-political Identity to Mobilize Voters: Field Experiments in Seven Elections. Daniel Rubenson, Christopher Dawes (NYU), Sven Oskarsson (Uppsala) and Pär Nyman (Uppsala). 3rd Nordic Workshop on Political Behavior, Copenhagen, September 21-22, 2023. Published.

Regional perspectives on democracy: India. Democracy and Foreign Policy in an Era of Uncertainty, Global Affairs Canada, Ottawa. Sanjay Ruparelia. 9/18/2023.

Gendered Pathways to Charismatic Authority: An Analysis of Men and Women Leaders in Argentina's Peronist Movement. American Political Science Association. Caitlin Andrews-Lee. 9/3/2023.

Invited talks

Getting to the Table and Getting Results: How Women Leverage Peace Negotiations for Political Gains. Women and Public Policy Program seminar series, Harvard Kennedy School. Miriam Anderson. 9/11/2023.

Internet voting and public opinion in a multi-level setting: The case of Canada. International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting. Michael McGregor. 10/5/2023.


10th Toronto Political Behaviour Workshop. Caitlin Andrews-Lee and Daniel Rubenson co-hosted and organized the 10th Toronto Political Behaviour Workshop at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto. The workshop, attracted participants from across North America, Europe and Latin America and included a graduate student poster session as well as presentations from a diverse set of scholars on a wide range of topics. See the TPBW website for more information and to access papers: (external link) 

Organizer: Marcela Rios Tobar (Oxford; UNDP Chile), “The struggle for democracy and memory in Chile,” On the Frontlines of Democracy public lecture series, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library. Discussants: Sanjay Ruparelia (TMU) and Caitlin Andrews-Lee (TMU). 9/14/2023.

Co-Organizer, 2023 Toronto Political Behaviour Workshop. Daniel Rubenson and Peter Loewen. 9/28/2023.


Peer reviewed articles

The Rhetorical Roots of Du Bois's Double Consciousness (external link) . Rob Goodman. History of Political Thought - 44:3, 8/21/2023. Published.


Understanding Canadian Public Administration: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Fifth Edition. Gregory J. Inwood. University of Toronto Press. Accepted.

Not Here: Why American Democracy Is Eroding and How Canada Can Protect Itself (external link) . Rob Goodman. Simon & Schuster Canada. 8/15/2023, Published.

Book chapters

Faith and Feminism in American Politics. Jonathan Agensky (Ohio University), Miriam J Anderson. 8/1/2023, Accepted.

Conference presentations

The Limits of Nonprofit Sector Resilience: Evidence from Canadian Nonprofit Sector Surveys During the Pandemic. John Shields, Meghan Joy (Concordia); Siu Mee Cheng (TMU). 6th International Conference on Public Policy (IPSA). 6/28/2023, Published.


We aren’t as powerless over extremism as we may think (external link) . Rob Goodman. The Globe and Mail. 8/11/2023, Published.


Feminism in the Faith of FailureMiriam J. Anderson, Elizabeth Corredor (Bryn Mawr College), Julia Zulver (Oxford, UNAM). The conference Feminism in the Face of Failure: Writing the Next Chapter was held at UNAM in Mexico City. The conference was funded by a SSHRC Connection grant; the Canadian Department of National Defence; the Canadian Research Network for Women, Peace, and Security; the Canadian Embassy in Mexico; and TMU.

Peer reviewed articles

Motivated to Forgive? Partisan Scandals and Party Supporters. (external link)  Amber Hye-Yon Lee (UPenn), Allison Harell (UQAM), Laura B. Stephenson (Western), Daniel Rubenson, Peter John Loewen (UofT). Political Psychology, 44:4. Published.

Tracey Raney. Notes from the Field: Violence against women in politics - an urgent problem the political science community must take seriously (invited submission) - Politics & Gender. Accepted.

Canada’s Lobbying Industry: Business and Public Interest Advocacy from Harper to Trudeau. Nick Graham (York ), Bryan Evans (Toronto MU), David Chen (University of Toronto). Canadian Journal of Political Science, Winter 2024. 7/28/2023. Accepted.


Political Engagement in Canadian City Elections. Michael McGregor (TMU) and Laura Stephenson (Western) (Eds.). McGill-Queen's University Press. This is a co-edited volume. 7/12/2023. Accepted

Conference presentations

Sandra Lim. Empowering Student Learning through Collaborative Digital Tools: A Case Study Using Google Docs' Pageless Format for Political film Analysis in a Liberal Arts Course.  (external link) Toronto Metropolitan University Teaching and Learning Annual Conference. 5/8/2023.

Tom McDowell. Jeremy Bentham and Neoliberalism: Architect or Adversary? International Society of Utilitarian Studies, "Utilitarianism and the Philosophy of Today".  (external link) LUISS Guido Carli, Department of Political Science, Rome, Italy. 7/7/2023.

Tracey Raney. Gender Mainstreaming during the 'Shadow' Pandemic Crisis: A Case Study of the Canadian House of Commons' 2021 anti-harassment policy. International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6), Toronto Metropolitan University. 6/28/2023.

Young Workers Making Work Better. Andie Noack (Sociology, TMU) and Myer Siemiatycki (Politics,TMU). 6th International Conference on Public Policy, Toronto Metropolitan University. 6/27/2023.


Miriam Anderson. Re-appointed Visiting Fellow at Centre for Women, Peace and Security at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2023-2026). 7/1/2023.


Daniel Rubenson, Christopher Dawes (NYU). Sports and Society: Using Sports Data to Test Social Science Theories. $15,000 USD grant for the project "Sports and Society: Using Sports Data to Test Social Science Theories," from the NYU Global Research Initiatives.

Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier (University of Windsor) have been awarded a publication grant from the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences for their forthcoming edited book, Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era, University of Toronto Press. ($8,000.00)

Invited talks

Miriam Anderson. From Peace Talks to Pandemics: The Continuum of Feminist Peace Activism. 7/5/2023.



Cathy Crowe. In May 2023 the Canadian Housing Renewal Association presented Cathy with their Leadership award. In June 2023 the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions presented Cathy with the Bread and Roses award.

Daniel Rubenson. Migrants, Refugees, and Societies: World Development Report 2023 Launch. Daniel Rubenson moderated the launch of the 2023 World Bank World Development Report on Migration, hosted by the Aga Khan Foundation Canada, including presentations by Çağlar Özden (Lead Economist, Development Economics, World Bank), Kate Higgins (CEO Cooperation Canada), Sylvie Bédard (Director General, Central America and the Caribbean, Global Affairs Canada), Rema Jamous Imseis (UNHCR Representative in Canada), Lara Dyer (Canada Director, Talent Beyond Boundaries), Maiwand Rahyab (Founder, Resilient Societies). 6/19/2023.

Sandra Lim.  (PDF file) Frank Capra (Book Catalogue title), Title of chapter: Individualism and Populism in Frank Capra’s Meet John Doe (1941).  (external link) Edited by Eduardo Reginato and José de Aguiar. Firula. 6/21/2023. Published.

Sandra Lim. Lights. Factory Media Member's Screening. 17th Annual.  (external link) 12/5/2022. Published.


Conference presentations

Robert Marshall. "COVID-19, Pandemic Surveillance and E-Government". Paper presented to the Panel "Digital Economies and the State." 2023 Annual Meeting of the CPSA York University, 6/1/2023.

Caitlin Andrews-Lee (TMU), Michael McGregor (TMU), Jack Lucas (Calgary), Cameron Anderson (UWO). Uncle Doug or Doug the dictator? Candidate charisma in Ontario politics. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, 5/31/2023.

Tracey Raney (TMU), Michael McGregor (TMU), Cameron Anderson (UWO). When Councillors Harass; Public Perceptions of Accountability in Ontario Municipal Politics. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, 6/1/2023.

Cameron Anderson (UWO), Jack Lucas (Calgary), Michael McGregor (TMU), Tyler Romualdi (UWO). Don’t worry, be happy (and vote out the incumbent): Economic Anxiety and incumbent support in Ontario. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, 6/1/2023.

Tracey Raney, R. Michael McGregor, and Cameron D. Anderson (Western University). When Councillors Harass: Public Perceptions of Accountability in Ontario Municipal Politics. Canadian Political Science Association annual conference, York University, 6/1/2023.

Rob Goodman. Populism, Demagoguery, and Rhetoric in Historical Perspective. Braga Colloquium in the History of Moral and Political Philosophy​, 6/16/2023.


Rob Goodman. Review of Richard Shorten: The Ideology of Political Reactionaries. (external link)  6/14/2023, The Review of Politics, FirstView Online. Advance view. 


Tracey Raney. Feministing in Political Science: Roundtable on 'Publishing Feminist Political Science'. Canadian Political Science Association annual conference, York University. Invited conference participant, 6/1/2023.

Tracey Raney. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Decolonization in Political Science Opportunities, Challenges and Best Practices - CPSA pre-conference workshop. Break-out session moderator, 5/30/2023.

Tracey Raney and Michael McGregor. 2023 Jill Vickers Award (winners) for their paper, "Beyond the Ballot Box: Public Opinion and Accountability in Addressing Sexual Harassment in Canadian Politics". Canadian Political Science Association annual conference, York University, 5/31/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Organizer and discussant: Kristen Hopewell (UBC), “Clash of Titans: US-China Conflict in Global Trade,” On the Frontlines of Democracy public lecture series, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library, 4/27/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Organizer and discussant: Olle Tornquist (University of Oslo), “Can the Idea of Social Democracy Be Rescued?” On the Frontlines of Democracy public lecture series, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library, 5/11/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: "Interrogating Liberalism with Francis Fukuyama," On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU, 5/2/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: "Racism in Liberal Societies with Debra Thompson," On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU., 5/16/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: "Diverse Democracies with Yascha Mounk," On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU., 5/30/2023.

Conference presentations

Rob Goodman. Manuscript Workshop on "First Among Equals" by Teresa Bejan. 5/24/2023, Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Philosophie Politique.

Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Who succeeds charismatic strongmen? The potential advantage of women relatives. 5/25/2023, Latin American Studies Association Annual Congress.

Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Uncle Doug or Doug the Dictator? Candidate Charisma in Ontario Politics. 5/30/2023, Canadian Political Science Association

Peer reviewed articles

Tracey Raney and R. Michael McGregor. Beyond the Ballot Box: Sexual Harassment and Legislative Accountability in Canadian Politics. (external link)  5/23/2023, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Advance view.

Rob Goodman. Plato the Novelist: The Family Saga in Republic 8–9 (external link) . 5/25/2023, Polity, Advance view


Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli (York), Leo Panitch (York), Donald Swartz (Carleton). Roundtable: Authors Meet Critics - From Consent to Coercion 4th edition. 5/31/2023, Annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Work and Labour Studies, Accepted.

Sanjay Ruparelia. SNF Agora names new visiting fellows. (external link)  


Bryan Evans. 4/22/2023, Editorial Board, Canadian Dimension.


Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier (University of Windsor). Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics in the #MeToo Era. 4/21/2023, University of Toronto Press. Accepted.

Book chapters

Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier (University of Windsor). "Evaluating Violence and Sexual Harassment Rules in Canada’s House of Commons". In Gender and Violence against Political Actors (external link) , eds. Elin Bjarnegård and Pär Zetterberg, Chapter 12 (pp.231-240). 4/30/2023, Temple University Press. Published.

Tracey Raney and Cheryl N. Collier (University of Windsor). Gender-Based Violence in Canadian Politics: A Threat to Gender Equality and Democracy (Introduction). 4/21/2023, University of Toronto Press. Accepted.

Tracey Raney. Fixing the Upper House: A Gender and Race-based Analysis of the Canadian Senate’s 2021 Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy. 4/21/2023, University of Toronto Press. Accepted.

Cheryl N. Collier (University of Windsor) and Tracey Raney. Provincial & Territorial Legislature-Based Sexual Harassment Policies for Elected Members: Variation in Approaches but Commonality in Ineffectiveness. 4/21/2023, University of Toronto Press. Accepted.

Cheryl N. Collier and Tracey Raney. Canadian Experiences of Gender-Based Violence in Politics – Key Learnings, Action Items, and Avenues for more Research (Conclusion). 4/21/2023, University of Toronto Press. Accepted.

Conference presentations

John Shields. Political Inclusion Stream: Key Political Inclusion/Exclusion Factors. 4/5/2023, Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI) Summit 2023, University of Calgary.

John Shields. Interrogating Older Immigrant Inclusion: Graduate Student Meeting. 4/5/2023, Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI) Summit 2023, University of Calgary.

Tracey Raney. The Pandemic as a Critical Juncture? A Case Study of the Canadian House of Commons' 2021 Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy. 4/6/2023, Western Political Science Association, San Francisco, California.

Cameron Anderson (Western), Jack Lucas (Calgary), R Michael McGregor (TMU), Tyler Romualdi (Western). Don't worry, be happy (and vote out the incumbent): Economic anxiety and incumbent support in Ontario. 4/13/2023, Midwest Political Science Association Conference.

R. Michael McGregor (TMU), Jack Lucas (Calgary), Chris Erl (TMU), Cameron Anderson (Western). Understanding support for Municipal Political Parties: Evidence from Canada. 4/27/2023, Urban Affairs Association Conference.

Myer Siemiatycki. The Tuwim Questions: Who is a Jew? Who is Polish', ?. 4/30/2023, LIMMUD: An innovative and Inclusive Festival of Jewish Learning, University of Toronto.

Peer reviewed articles

Miriam J. Anderson, Madeline Eskandari (POG 2021 graduate, U of T). From Peace Talks to Pandemics: The Continuum of Feminist Peace Activism. 4/15/2023, Global Studies Quarterly. Accepted.

Chris Erl (TMU), R. Michael McGregor (TMU), Jack Lucas (Calgary), Cameron Anderson (Western). Resentment and admiration: Public opinion towards teachers and public sector employees in Ontario. 4/18/2023, Canadian Journal of Education. Accepted

Conference presentations

John Shields. Migrant resilience, advocacy and the settlement sector: Lessons for the future. 3/16/2023, 25th National Metropolis Conference – 25 Years of Conversation on Migration: Our Legacy, Our Future.


Miriam J Anderson (PI), Elizabeth Corredor (CI, TMU), Julia Zulver (CI, Oxford, UNAM). 3/29/2023,  SSHRC Connection Grant of $24,947 to hold the conference, Feminism in the Face of Failure: Writing the Next Chapter, at UNAM, Mexico City in August 2023. Matching funds provided by Canadian Department of Defence; Canadian Research Network for Women, Peace, and Security (McGill); TMU (CERC and Dept. PPA); and the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City.

Invited talks

Daniel Rubenson. "Using Non-Political Identity to Mobilize Voters: Evidence from Field Experiments in 7 Elections," presented at the CIS Colloquium, ETH Zurich & University of Zurich, 23/03/2023.

Daniel Rubenson. "Gotta Support the Team: A Get-out-the-Vote Field Experiment among Soccer Fans," presented at Department of Government, London School of Economics, 30/03/2023.

John Shields. Advocacy and Resilience in the Immigrant Settlement Sector: Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World. Heath & Wellbeing Sector Table Meeting: Addressing the Health Needs of Immigrants, Refugees and Racialized People in the COVID-19 Context & Transitioning to Recovery. Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP), 3/31/2023.


Tracey Raney and Jeanette Ashe. More inclusive parliaments start with better workplace conditions (external link) . 3/13/2023, Policy Options/Institute for Research on Public Policy. Published.

Peer reviewed articles

Giuseppe Ballacci (University of Minho), Rob Goodman (excel file) "Populism as Form and Content: Toward a Holistic Approach" (external link) . 3/14/2023, Populism; 6:1. Published

Tracey Raney and R. Michael McGregor. Beyond the Ballot Box: Legislative Accountability and Sexual Harassment in Canadian Politics. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Accepted.

Working paper series

Quinn Albaugh (Queen's), Allison Harell (UQAM), Peter Loewen (UoFT), Daniel Rubenson and Laura Stephenson (Western). "From Gender Gap to Gender Gaps: Bringing Nonbinary People into Political Behavior Research" (external link) . 2023, APSA Preprints.

Quinn Albough (Queen's), Allison Harell (UQAM), Peter Loewen (UofT), Daniel Rubenson and Laura Stephenson (Western).  "Measuring Transgender and Non-Binary Identities in Online Surveys: Evidence from Two National Election Studies" (external link) . 2023, APSA Preprints.


Sanjay Ruparelia. Interview by Lisa Xing, "Movement out of India that 'disseminates hate' victimizes religious minority groups, report says," CBC News (external link) , 03/01/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Interview, "India's RSS," CBC Radio One (external link) , 3/2/2023

Sanjay Ruparelia. Interview, "Is India's democracy in crisis?", The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TVO (external link) , 03/06/2023.

Tracey Raney. Canada ranks low globally for women's representation in national legislatures. New study says this weakens our democracy (external link) . 3/10/2023, NOW Toronto - Feature article on Tracey Raney's SSHRC-funded research for International Women's Month. 

Sanjay Ruparelia. Organizer and discussant: Nadia Urbinati (Columbia University), “The rise of the Italian far right: lessons for Europe and beyond,” On the Frontlines of Democracy public lecture series, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library, and Democracy XChange Summit (DXC23), 03/24/2023.

John Shields. Roundtable Discussion: Crossing the Canada-US Border and Access to Protection. Bordering Migration: Theoretical Debates and Recent Developments in Border Policies and Practices, 3/21/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Panelist, "Democratic Backsliding - An International Outlook", with Lori Turnbull (Dalhousie) and Shireen Hassim (Carleton), moderated by Matthew Mendelsohn (TMU), Democracy XChange Summit 2023, 3/25/2023.


Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli (York), Leo Panitch (York), and Donald Swartz (Carleton). From Consent to Coercion: The Continuing Assault on Labour, 4th edition. 2/15/2023, University of Toronto Press. Published.

Invited talks

Miriam Anderson. "Women's Participation in Peace Negotiations. Women, Peace and Security in the Middle East". Centre for Geopolitics, University of Cambridge, 1/26/2023.

John Shields. “What is Next for Pre-Arrival Settlement Work”. Pre-Arrival Community Partners Committee (CPC) Meeting, Novotel Toronto Vaughn Centre, 2/24/0203.

Sanjay Ruparelia. "The role of India in Canada's Indo-Pacific strategy". National Security Programme, Canadian Forces College, 2/23/2023.


Chris Erl (TMU), Jack Lucas (Calgary), Michael McGregor (TMU). Do Ontarians want political parties in municipal elections? (external link) . 2/20/2023, IRPP Policy Options. Published.

Myer Siemiatycki and Matti Siemiatycki (University of Toronto) of Toronto. John Tory's resignation: A Political reset opportunity for Toronto (external link) . 2/12/2023, Toronto Star. Published.

Peer reviewed articles

Miriam J Anderson, Galia Golan (Hebrew University). Women and Peace Negotiations: Looking Forward, Looking Back. This is the introduction to a special issue on women and peace negotiations edited by Miriam Anderson and Galia Golan with contributions from: Alex McAuliff (Tufts University); Jenna Sapiano (Monash University); Karin Aggestam (Lund University); Gina Heathcote (SOAS University of London); Jacqui True (Monash University); Marc Valade (Toronto Metropolitan University); Elizabeth Corredor (Toronto Metropolitan University); Marie-Joëlle Zahar (Université de Montreal); Juan Diego Duque-Salazar (Uppsala University); Erika Forsberg (Uppsala University); Louise Olsson (Peace Research Institute Oslo). 2/2/2023, International Negotiation; 28:2. Accepted.

Rob Goodman, Giuseppe Ballacci (University of Minho). "Populism as Form and Content: Toward a Holistic Approach". 2/7/2023, Populism. Accepted.

Jack Lucas (Calgary), Michael McGregor (TMU), Aengus Bridgman (McGill). Spatial Voting in Non-Partisan Cities: A Case Study. 2/8/2023, Electoral Studies. Accepted.

Rob Goodman. Slavery and Oratory: Frederick Douglass in the History of Rhetoric (external link) . 2/10/2023, American Political Science Review. Advance view.

Bryan Evans. A Different Kind of State: Imagining Popular Power and Democratic Administration for the 21st Century (external link) . 2/22/2023, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research; vol. 33, no. 1. Published.

Paul Rinkoff. Prevalence, pattern, and a leader’s intervention— The impact of alcohol abuse in police and public safety organizations (external link) . 2/23/2023, Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being; Vol. 8: Suppl 1. Published.

Working paper series

John Shields, Jayesh D’Souza (York University), Valerie Preston (York University), Jill Hanley (McGill University) and Moussa Seck (McGill University). TCRI Agency Management: Pandemic Response Survey Results, September 2020 – September 2021. 2/25/2023, BMRC Technical Report (Building Migrant Resilience in Cities). 

John Shields, Jayesh D’Souza (York University), Jill Hanley (McGill University), Valerie Preston (York University), Moussa Seck (McGill University) and Kelly Sung (TMU). TCRI Agency Frontline Workers: Pandemic Response Survey Results, September 2020 – September 2021.  2/15/2023, BMRC Technical Report (Building Migrant Resilience in Cities)


Sanjay Ruparelia. Organizer and discussant: Pranab Bardhan (University of California, Berkeley), “A World of Insecurity,” On the Frontlines of Democracy public lecture series, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library. 2/9/2023.

Tracey Raney was invited as an expert witness to share her research on the Canadian House of Commons’ anti-harassment measures for the Gender Equality Bureau of the Cabinet Office of Japan. 2/21/2023.


Daniel Rubenson has been appointed Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Political Research (CEVIPOF), Sciences Po, Paris, June 1-September 5, 2023.

Invited talks

Rob Goodman. "What Is Eloquence? Why Does It Matter?". Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, University of Windsor, 1/13/2023.


Daniel Rubenson and Christopher Dawes (NYU). A study of close to half a million soccer fans shows how group identity shapes behaviour (external link) . 29/01/2023, The Conversation.

Peer reviewed articles

Tom McDowell. Hayek's Theory of Mind and the Origins of the Neoliberal Critique of Modern Liberalism (external link) . First View. Published.

Amber Hye-Yon Lee (UPenn), Allison Harell (UQAM), Laura Stephenson (Western), Daniel Rubenson and Peter Loewen (UofT). Motivated to Forgive? Partisan Scandals and Party Supporters (external link) . 2023, Political Psychology. Advance View.


Sanjay Ruparelia. Book Workshop: Irene Peng, Simon Fraser University (Virtual), 1/9/2023.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Organizer and discussant: Joseph Wong (University of Toronto), “The path to democracy in Asia,” On the Frontlines of Democracy public lecture series, TMU Faculty of Arts and Toronto Public Library, 01/12/2023.