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Student Awards

Students practising key techniques in the lab

Midwifery Education Program Awards 

The Midwifery Education Program offers competitive student awards and grants that recognize your achievements, facilitate your education and promote your success.

The awards are offered 3 times per year - February 7, May 30, and October 25 

Applications should be submitted in AwardSpring (external link) 

Have you won an award? Congratulations! Students who win monetary awards must use the following new process to claim their awards by the designated deadline or forfeit their award. 

The payments may only be collected via e-transfer. Toronto Metropolitan University has partnered with PayMyTuition, an electronic payment tool, to remit domestic refunds and award/scholarship/bursary payments to students via Interac e-transfer. This refund method will replace refund cheques. 

Students should keep an eye out for an email from PayMyTuition within 5-10 business days for next steps. Take care to avoid deleting this email. Search for it in your Spam folder if you have difficulty locating it.

Should you encounter and difficulties with the PayMyTuition tool, please contact



Financial Assistance

The Student Financial Assistance office provides information on government financial assistance, scholarships, bursaries and awards.