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2024 Orientation Schedule

Welcome Class 2024 - Lincoln Alexander School of Law's students in the Student Learning Centre

Welcome to the Lincoln Alexander School of Law at Toronto Metropolitan University!

We hope that you are having a wonderful summer and are excited that you will be joining us in the fall.  

This year’s Orientation Week will run from Monday, August 19, to Thursday, August 22, 2024. We have an engaging line-up of in-person events planned for you, including panel discussions, guest speakers, sessions dedicated to your academic and professional success, tours, and a number of social events. The program will introduce you to our curricular and extracurricular programming and enable you to build connections with your peers and the law school community.

If you have any questions, please contact our Orientation Week Co-Chairs, Roajah Geran ( and Mackenzie DiPersio (

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Orientation Schedule

Date Time Location Event
Monday, August 19 10-11:30 a.m. TRSM 2-166, 55 Dundas Street West Registration and Welcome Breakfast
  11:30 a.m.-12 p.m. TRSM 2-166 Welcome from the Deans
  12-12:30 p.m. TRSM 2-166 Opening Remarks from Indigenous Leaders
  12:30-1 p.m. TRSM 2-166 Welcome Video and Lincoln Alexander Law Students' Society (LALSS) Executive Welcome
  1-2 p.m. TRSM 2-166 LUNCH (provided)
  2-3 p.m. TRSM 2-166 Central Resources and Services
  3-5 p.m. TRSM 2-166 &
TRSM 2-147
Speed Bonding
  6-9 p.m. 145 John Street The Ballroom Bowl
Tuesday, August 20 9-11 a.m. TRSM 2-166 Lincoln Alexander Law Programs and Resources (breakfast provided)
  11 a.m.-1 p.m. TRSM 2-166 Scavenger Hunt, Campus Tour/Indigenous Walking Tour
  1-2 p.m.   LUNCH (On Your Own)
  2-4:30 p.m. Gould Street Clubs and Associations Fair
  7-10 p.m. 1 Blue Jays Way #3200 Toronto Blue Jays Game
Wednesday, August 21 9-10:30 a.m. POD-250, 380 Victoria Street Breakfast Mix & Mingle with Lincoln Alexander Law Community
  10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. POD-250 Health and Wellness at Lincoln Alexander Law, Student Panel and Community Safety
  12-1 p.m.   LUNCH (On Your Own)
  1-2 p.m. POD-250 Navigating Life in Law and Education: How to Hear Diverse Narratives and Hold Multiple Truths with Dr. Tanya (Toni) De Mello, VP, Equity and Community Inclusion
  2-4 p.m. POD-250 Orientation Leader Q&A session
  4-7 p.m. POD-250 Pizza and pre-Pub Night Social
  8-11 p.m. Yonge Street Warehouse, 336 Yonge Street Pub Night hosted by LALSS
Thursday, August 22 4-6 p.m. Sears Atrium, 3rd Floor, George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre, 245 Church Street Welcome Ceremony
  7-10 p.m. Sweat & Tonic, 225 Yonge Street Welcome Social