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Locks and Keys

Locksmith services

We are available to help with your lock repairs, lock replacements, re-keying and key requests. For urgent locks and keys concerns (i.e. broken key, locked out), please complete the  (google form) General Service Request (external link)  form.

How to submit a new key request

Complete the following steps to request new or additional keys. We will assess your request and reach out to you to discuss next steps.

  1. Complete the  (google doc) Key Request Form (external link, opens in new window)  including an authorizing signature from your department head or manager. There is a service fee of $10 per key for new copies.
  2. Submit the Key Request Form to us in one of three ways:

Temporary re-keying

When a classroom or other spaces like labs are required for alternate use (e.g. storage, staging, meeting or event space) for a defined period of time, we can temporarily re-key the locks to ensure the space is secure.

Re-keying is necessary in order to limit access to those who are authorized to use the space during the temporary period. All re-keyed rooms remain accessible to Security for safety reasons.

The department or unit making the request is responsible for booking rooms and communicating the details of the key change to all stakeholders.

How to submit a temporary re-keying request

Follow these steps to request a temporary re-keying:

  1. Determine the start and end dates of the temporary access period.

  2. Book the space(s) with the appropriate group (e.g. University Scheduling for daytime classroom space, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education for evening and weekend classroom space, Event & Space Reservations for event space). Confirm with the booking group that the room is marked as unavailable to others for the duration of the booking.

  3. Submit a  (google form) General Service Request (external link)  form at least two weeks before the required start date. We will schedule the re-keying and contact you with details.

  4. Send an email with all details about the re-keying to your room booking contact. Copy Security at and the Facilities Help Desk at

  5. Send an email to the same group to confirm when locks will be reassigned to their original keys. Any changes to the original start and end dates must be confirmed with your room booking contact first.