What Has Been Achieved so Far
Achievements of the 2008 Campus Master Plan
Since 2008, Toronto Metropolitan University’s remarkable growth has been guided by our flexible, visionary Campus Master Plan. The plan outlined a framework for undertaking the revitalization of our campus and acted as a catalyst for change and renewal within our unique downtown community.
TMU’s campus is porous and its boundaries knit together with our surrounding communities — both existing and emerging. We have a responsibility as a leading innovation university and as a city builder to facilitate and realize positive change in downtown Toronto. The core goals of the 2008 Campus Master Plan continue to guide campus development today:
- urban intensification
- people first – pedestrianization of the urban environment
- a commitment to design excellence
How the 2008 goals shaped our campus
The Campus Master Plan is a set of guidelines and strategic objectives that drive campus development. Over the decade that followed the 2008 Campus Master Plan, TMU realized key goals to bring those principles to life:
Urban intensification
People first: pedestrianization of the urban environment
Design excellence
The implementation of innovative projects that have raised the bar for institutional design and embody our commitment to design excellence:
These examples demonstrate what can be achieved under the guidance of a master plan that is developed through extensive engagement and consultation. A plan that captures the major themes, ideas and aspirations expressed by participants — a comprehensive vision created by our community for our community, neighbours and city.