Use Intelligent Agents to send targeted email
The Intelligent Agents tool allows Instructors to set up automatic notifications to be sent to themselves, advisors, and students when specified course performance criteria are met.
It can be used to both recognize student achievement (e.g., a high score on a quiz) and warn of potential problems (e.g., lack of online activity or poor performance on an exam).
An Intelligent Agent will send an email for each user that matches the criteria you have outlined. If 50 students match, this will result in 50 separate emails.
If Intelligent Agents are copied from one shell to another, they are automatically disabled to prevent unwanted emails from being sent.
Unless you have specified the time, scheduled intelligent agents run at approximately 4:00 PM (Canada - Toronto), and will only run if the shell is active, and the agent is enabled.
Find the Intelligent Agents in the Course Admin section of your shell.
Before you begin, you will need to consider what criteria you will need to create your recipient list.
- Who do you want to email?
- What is the purpose of the email?
If it is based on their achievement in a grade, make sure you have a grade item that is appropriate for that purpose, and decide what the threshold will be for a student to receive the email (for example, send an email if a student receives 80% or higher on the Midterm Exam).
Since Intelligent Agents can make use of Release Conditions, your list of possible criteria is fairly broad.
Here are a few examples of when you might want to run an Intelligent Agent:
- When a student has been added to your shell, send them a "Welcome" email that spells out expectations, how to get started, etc.
- If you have concerns about students not submitting an assignment on time, you could set an intelligent agent that checks several days before the due date, and sends a reminder email to any students who have not submitted yet.
- You could set an intelligent agent that sends you, the instructor, an email when students have earned an award, achieved a particular grade or viewed (or not viewed) a particular piece of content.
Next, you will need to set the criteria that is used to determine whether an email is sent out.
There are three types of criteria that can be applied, either individually, or in combination:
- User roles
- User activity
- Release conditions
Each of these criteria serve to narrow the list of people whose activity will trigger the Intelligent Agent email.
NOTE: While it is possible to save your new Intelligent Agent without selecting any criteria, please keep in mind that without any criteria, your IA will likely not behave the way you expect.
For example, you can send an email to students who achieved over 80% on the midterm grade, or to students who have not yet submitted their final assignment.
Click "Save", at the bottom of the page, to save your changes as you go!
Opt to take action "only the first time" for criteria that will not change over time:
- students who are enrolled in this shell
- students who are members of section 011
- students who got over 80% on their midterm
- students who contributed to a specific class discussion
- students who achieved a specific award
Think of these emails as a one-time recognition of the completion of a task or achievement of a grade or award. As these things will continue to match each time, you don't want to spam your class with emails every time the agent runs.
Opt to take action "every time" for criteria that may change as the person engages with the course shell:
- students who haven't been in the course shell in over 2 weeks
- students who haven't submitted to an assignment
- students who haven't contributed to a discussion
- students who haven't viewed a vital piece of content yet
Think of these emails as reminders and resources that are provided until those tasks are completed.
To vs Cc or Bcc
Use the TO field to include the address of the main recipient of the email. If the email content is directed to the student, use the TO field for their email address. If you will also include yourself (the instructor) or your teaching team, you can add these email addresses into the BCC field.
If the email content is directed to you or the teaching team, feel free to put these addresses into the TO field.
We do not recommend using Intelligent Agents to send emails to those outside of the teaching team.
Bcc is used to send the email to someone without having their email address visible to the other recipients.
Who is the "sender" of the email?
By default, the sender of the emails is "" - and the display name of the sender is TMU D2L Brightspace.
You (the instructor) can change the display name of the sender as well as the reply-to address (see the "Settings" area of the Intelligent Agents tool for options).
Note that you cannot change the actual email address that the email comes from.
"Replacement strings" to add dynamic content
As you craft the subject and body of the email, there are a few useful variables that you can include to dynamically include certain information.
- {InitiatingUserFirstName} - The first name of the initiating user. (i.e. a student who has met the criteria you outline in the agent)
- {InitiatingUserLastName} - The last name of the initiating user. (i.e. a student who has met the criteria you outline in the agent)
- {OrgUnitCode} - The code for the course shell (i.e. abc123_f21_01).
- {OrgUnitName} - The name of the course shell. (i.e. ABC123 - Intro to Bending Objects with your Mind - Fall 2021)
- {LastCourseAccessDate} - The date the initiating user last accessed the course
- {LastLoginDate} - The date the initiating user last logged in.
Tips for using the replacement strings
- Use {InitiatingUserFirstName} to address the email - it makes the email feel more personal and friendly.
- Start the subject line with "{OrgUnitCode}: " - this matches the way Brightspace sends emails from your course shell, and will work with any email filters you (or your class) have set up.
- Use {OrgUnitName} in the email instead of typing the name of the course - that way, you can copy this agent to different shells and you won't have to edit the course name for each course!
- If you are sending an email when someone hasn't visited the course in a certain number of days, you can include {LastCourseAccessDate} in the message body to indicate the actual date they last accessed the course shell.
Click "Save", at the bottom of the page, to save your changes as you go!
Related Links:
Announcements and notifications