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Research Digest - 2024

Book chapters

Tom McDowellA Brief History of Procedure at the Ontario Legislature. (external link, opens in new window)  The Politics of Ontario. University of Toronto Press, Second Edition, Chapter Four. 6/10/2024. Published.


Peer reviewed articles

Sandra E. Lim. Unveiling the Meta Skin of Marzieh Meshkiny’s The Day I Became a Woman. Senses of Cinema CTEQ Annotations on Film. 109. 5/24/2024. Accepted.

Michael McGregor. When Councillors Sexually Harass: Legislative Sanctions and Gender-Based Violence in Canada’s Municipalities. Tracey Raney (TMU), Cameron Anderson (UWO), Michael McGregor (TMU). Politics and Gender. 6/14/2024. Accepted.

Bryan Evans. Policy capacity research: An overview and bibliography of the international literature, 1978 to 2023.  (external link, opens in new window) Bobby Thomas Cameron (University of Prince Edward Island). International Review of Public Policy. Vol. 6 #1. 6/28/2024. Published. 

John Shields.  (PDF file) The Municipal Role in Immigration and Settlement: Contradictions and Challenges.  (external link, opens in new window) Valerie Preston (York University). Who Does What: The Municipal Role in Immigration. Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG), School of Cities, University of Toronto. IMFG Who Does What Series, No. 8. 6/22/2024. Published. 

Sandra Lim. Unveiling the Meta Skin of Marzieh Meshkiny’s The Day I Became a Woman (external link, opens in new window) . Senses of Cinema CTEQ Annotations on Film. 109. 6/14/2024. Published. 

Conference presentations

Sanjay Ruparelia. "Social rights, access to information and biometric identification: reflections from India and South Africa.". Participedia Partners Conference. 6/7/2024.

Bryan Evans. Who Gets Heard: Unequal Representation within the Canadian State. Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, McGill University, Montreal. 6/12/2024. 

Bryan Evans. ‘Is Lobbying for Losers?’: Evidence from Recent Canadian Military Procurement Contracting. Andrea Migone (no affiliation), David Chen (University of Toronto), Michael Howlett (Simon Fraser University), Alex Howlett (Canada West University). Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, McGill University, Montreal. 6/12/2024.

Tom McDowell. “The Inverted Panopticon: The Ontological Implications of Jeremy Bentham’s Self-Preference Principle.”. International Society for Utilitarian Studies. University College London, London, UK. 6/19/2024.

Myer Siemiatycki. Resignation and Resistance: Young People's Responses to Bad Work. Andie Noack (TMU), Myer Siemiatycki (TMU), Asmita Bhutani Vij (York), Sophia Ricciardone (McMaster), Mackenzie Agard (TMU). Canadian Association of Work & Labour Studies (CAWLS), Congress 1024, Montreal. 6/19/2024.

Myer Siemiatycki. Young People's Perceptions and Experiences of Work Quality. Asmita Bhutani Vij (York), Andie Noack (TMU), Mackenzie Agard (TMU), Myer Siemiatycki (TMU), Sophia Ricciardone (McMaster). Canadian Association of Work and Labour Studies (CAWLS), Congress 2024, Montreal. 6/19/2024.

Invited talks


Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: The Rise and Decline of Erdogan with Kaya Genç, On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast (external link, opens in new window) , Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU. 6/4/2024. Published. 

Bryan Evans. Roundtable Chair, The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power Fifty Years On, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, McGill University, Montreal. 6/12/2024.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Interview: "Do coalition governments slow down the economic reforms agenda?" (external link, opens in new window)  The Hindu. Published. 

John Shields. Discussant, “Panel 1: Critical reflections on Canadian immigration and integration policies”. Migration Working Group: Year-end Symposium, CERC in Migration and Integration, Toronto Metropolitan University. 6/18/2024. Published. 


Sanjay RupareliaA Nation in Social, Political Flux: A Saffron Right Rises (external link, opens in new window) . Hindustan Times. 4/5/2024. Published.

Sanjay Ruparelia. The BJP’s Drive for Hegemony (external link, opens in new window) . Dissent:Spring 2024. 5/22/2024. Published.

Peer reviewed articles

Tom McDowellSpeed Matters:” Ontario’s Strong-Mayor Reforms and the Populist Inversion of Municipal Democracy" (external link, opens in new window) . Studies in Political Economy:105(1). 5/13/2024. Published.

John ShieldsThe Limits of Community Nonprofit Sector Resilience: Evidence from Canadian Nonprofit Sector Surveys During the Pandemic (external link, opens in new window) . Meghan Joy (Concordia University) Sie Mee Cheng (TMU). Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research/Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OBSL et l’économie sociale:Vol. 15, No. 1. 5/24/2024. Published.

Conference presentations

Rob Goodman. "Authorizing Tropes and the Structure of Style". Populism, Demagoguery, and Rhetoric Workshop, Princeton University Center for Human Values. 5/8/2024. Published. 

Rob Goodman. "Rhetorical Dimensions of Constitutional Crisis". Bissell-Heyd Symposium: American Constitutionalism in Crisis?, Munk School, University of Toronto. 5/10/2024. Published. 


Tom McDowell (PDF file) Redefining Futures: The Role of Basic Income in Career and Educational Development in Ontario (opens in new window) . Mohammad Ferdosi (TMU), Peter Graefe (McMaster), Tom McDowell (TMU). School of Public Policy and Democratic Innovation. 5/23/2024. Published. This is a public report on the impacts of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot.

Myer SiemiatyckiWork Quality Experience and Engagement Among Young Workers (external link, opens in new window) . Andie Noack (TMU), Myer Siemiatycki (York), Asmita Bhutani Vij (York), Sophia Ricciardone (York), Mackenzie Agard (TMU)(York). Future Skills Centre Report. 5/1/2024. Published.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: Protecting Canadian democracy from US influence with Rob Goodman (external link, opens in new window) , On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU. 5/7/2024. Published.

Book chapters

Karen Ruddy. “Feminism and Feminisms”, in Political Ideologies in Canada, eds. Colin J. Campbell and Colin Campbell. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 215-258. Published.


Rob Goodman. Power and Persuasion in Cicero's Philosophy (external link, opens in new window) , edited by Nathan Gilbert, Margaret Graver, and Sean McConnell. Journal of Roman Studies. 4/11/2024. Published.

Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Santiago Anria, When Movements Become Parties: The Bolivian Mas in Comparative Perspective (external link, opens in new window) . Política y Gobierno. 30:1. 4/10/2024. Published. 

Peer reviewed articles

"Ballot roll-off in the 2021 Alberta Senate nominee election: Political identities and participation patterns". R. Michael McGregor (TMU) and Jack Lucas (Calgary). Canadian Journal of Political Science. 4/17/2024. Accepted.

Miriam Anderson. "Postcards from the Pandemic: Women, Intersectionality, and Gendered Risks in the Global COVID-19 Pandemic". KC, Luna, Megan MacKenzie, Kawkab Al-Thaibani, Fazeeha Azmi, Susan Bartels, Annie Bunting, Tinatua Calvin Kollie, Amelia Cooper, Esli Chan, Madeline Eskandari, Katrina Leclerc, Panthea Pourmalek, Natasha Singh Raghuvanshi, and Heather Tasker. International Studies Review. Forthcoming. 4/24/2024. Accepted.

Invited talks

Caitlin Andrews-Lee. Gendered Pathways to Political Legitimacy: Men versus Women Leaders in Charismatic Movements. Syracuse University. 4/12/2024.

Sanjay Ruparelia. “A New India, A New China: The Transformational Politics of Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping”. SA UK Bilateral Chair in Political Theory Public Lecture Series: University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Cambridge. 4/12/2024.


"Getting to the Table and Getting Results: Factors Affecting Women's Participation in Peace Negotiations, 1989-2024". Miriam Anderson and Zara Iqbal. Undergraduate Research Opportunity, $11,400, Faculty of Arts, Dean's Office. 

Conference presentations

"Gender and reactions to allegations of sexual harassment among city councillors: An experimental study"Cameron Anderson (Western), Michael McGregor (TMU), and Tracey Raney (TMU). International Conference on Urban Affairs. 4/26/2024.


Rob Goodman.  (PDF file) Words on Fire: Eloquence and Its Conditions (external link, opens in new window) , Finalist for the C.B. Macpherson Prize, Canadian Political Science Association. 4/18/2024.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: What We Can Learn from Indonesian Democracy with Dan Slater (external link, opens in new window) , On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU. 4/2/2024. Published. 

Sanjay Ruparelia. Interview: The Stakes of India’s Election as Modi Seeks Third Term. The Decibel podcast (external link, opens in new window) , Globe and Mail, hosted by Menaka Raman-Wilms. 4/18/2024. Published. 

Sanjay Ruparelia. Interview: What's at Stake in India's Election? (external link, opens in new window)  The Current, CBC Radio, hosted by Matt Galloway. 4/23/2024. Published.

Sanjay RupareliaInde: cinq enjeux au cœur de la plus grosse élection du monde. (external link, opens in new window)  Interview with Ximena Sampson, Radio Canada. 4/19/2024. Published.

Peer reviewed articles

John ShieldsTransforming Settlement and Integration Services During a Pandemic (external link, opens in new window) . Valerie Preston (York University) and Jayesh D’Souza (York University). International Migration. March 2024 (available open access). 3/11/2024. Published. This article was reported as accepted previously.

Miriam Anderson. "Secrecy, Uncertainty, and Trust: The Gendered Nature of Back-Channel Peace Negotiations". Elizabeth S. Corredor (Bryn Mawr College) and Miriam Anderson. International Studies Review. 3/18/2024. Accepted.

Invited talks

Rob Goodman. "Not Here: Canada and the U.S. in the Age of Democratic Erosion". Canadian Club of Halton. 3/21/2024. Published. 

Rob Goodman. "Not Here: Canada and the U.S. in the Age of Democratic Erosion". McGill University Research Group on Constitutional Studies, Toronto Reunion. 3/24/2024. Published.


Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: Diverging Paths of Ukraine and Russia with Maria Popova, On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast (external link) , Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU. 3/5/2024. Published.

Rob Goodman"Not Here: Why American Democracy Is Eroding and How Canada Can Protect Itself," (external link, opens in new window)  Finalist for the Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing. 3/20/2024.

Ryan J. PhillipsIntroducing: Meat Studies. (external link, opens in new window)  Élisabeth Abergel (UQAM). Canadian Food Studies. 11:1. 3/29/2024. Published. Co-edited and organized a special themed issue of CFS, contributing a co-authored introduction and image design for the volume cover.


Hudson Moura. L’Image-Exil : L’expérience du déplacement au cinéma d'après Gilles Deleuze et Maurice Blanchot. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Universités Hauts-de-France, France. 1/23/2024. Accepted.


Peer reviewed articles

John Shields. "Transforming Settlement and Integration Services During a Pandemic". Valerie Preston (York University), Jayesh D’Souza (York University). International Migration. 2/12/2024. Accepted.

"Don’t worry, be happy (and vote out the incumbent): Economic anxiety and incumbent support in Ontario". Cameron Anderson (Western), Tyler Romualdi (Western), Jack Lucas (Calgary), & R. Michael McGregor (TMU). Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 3/13/2024. Accepted.

Invited talks

Sanjay Ruparelia. "Indian Foreign Policy and National Security". Regional Security Studies, National Security Programme, Canadian Forces College. 2/21/2024.


Daniel Rubenson has been appointed Associate Researcher at CEVIPOF, Sciences Po, Paris from March 1, 2024.


Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: Rescuing Social Democracy with Olle Törnquist (external link, opens in new window) , On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU. 2/6/2024. Published. 

Myer Siemiatycki. Co-Organizer & Co-Presenter: "Beat Back Bad Work: Young Workers Taking Action", public forum reporting research findings and resources of the TMU 'Better Work Project'. Keynote Speakers Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, Ontario Federation of Labour President Laura Walton, Future Skills Centre Research Director Tricia Williams. At TMU 02/28/2024.

Hudson Moura. Seminar Convener and Coordinator. "The Evolution of Interactivity in Storytelling: From Epistolary Novels to Digital Media". ACLA-American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Palais des Congrès de Montréal. 3/15/2024. 

Book chapters

The Municipal Role in Immigration and Settlement: Contradictions and Challenges. John Shields, Valerie Preston (York University). School of Cities, University of Toronto, The Municipal Role in Immigration: The Who Does What Series. Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG), Gabriel Eidelman, Kass Forman, Enid Slack, eds. 1/15/2024. Accepted.


Sanjay Ruparelia. "Narendra Modi is forging a Hindu nation in the world’s largest democracy" (external link, opens in new window) . Globe and Mail. 1/20/2024. Published. 

"Can Olivia Chow Find the 'Sweet Spot' in Toronto's Budget?" (external link, opens in new window) Myer Siemiatycki and Matti Siemiatycki (University of Toronto). Toronto Star. 1/30/2024. Published. 

Peer reviewed articles

“What's Going on in There? Canadian Government Policy Labs and Public Value Management.” (external link, opens in new window) . Bryan Evans, Adam Wellstead (Michigan Technological University), Nora Ottenhof (TMU), Anat Gofen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Canadian Public Administration, 66,:44. 1/3/2024. Published.

"A Symposium on Rob Goodman's Words on Fire: Eloquence and Its Conditions" (external link, opens in new window) Rob Goodman, Joy Connolly (American Council of Learned Societies), Matthew Landauer (University of Chicago), Cary J. Nederman (Texas A&M), Torrey Shanks (University of Toronto). The Review of Politics. 86(1). 1/10/2024. Published. 

"Why do Local Residents Oppose Olympic Bids? An Electoral Perspective from Calgary 2026". Harry Hiller (Calgary), Jack Lucas (Calgary), R. Michael McGregor. Event Management. 1/31/2024. Accepted.

Conference presentations

“Representation Beyond the Constructivist Turn: Bridging the Normative Gap”. Katharine Jackson (University of Cincinnati College of Law), Rob Goodman. Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. 1/11/2024. Published.

Rob Goodman. Panel discussant and chair: Author Meets Critics – "The Dispersion of Power: A Critical Realist Theory of Democracy" by Samuel Bagg. Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting. 1/11/2024. Published.

Invited talks

Sanjay Ruparelia"Transnational Repression: Problems and Solutions When Foreign States Interfere" (external link, opens in new window) . Co-panelists: Sharanjit Kaur Sandhra (Belonging Matters Consulting), Suzanne Scoggins (Clark University), Noura Aljizawi (University of Toronto). Moderators: Joanna Chiu (Toronto Star) and Diana Fu (University of Toronto). Co-Sponsors: East Asian Seminar Series (Asian Institute, Munk School), and NüVoices. 1/26/2024. Published.


Michael McGregor. The 2024 Canadian Vote Summit: Defending Democracy in Perilous Times. Co-investigator: John Beebe (TMU). Collaborators: Daniel Rubenson (TMU), Mariam Lapp (Elections Canada), Samanta Reusch-Desautels (Apathy is Boring), Steward McDonough (AMO). SSHRC Connection Grant. 1/10/2024. This award will help to fund the 2024 Canada Vote Summit, which is to be held this summer at TMU.


Sanjay Ruparelia. Host: "The Politics of Remembering the Chilean Coup with Marcela Ríos Tobar" (external link, opens in new window) , On the Frontlines of Democracy podcast, Faculty of Arts and School of Journalism, TMU. 1/9/2024. Published.

Sanjay Ruparelia. Panelist: "The Year 1989: Uprisings and Downfalls" (external link, opens in new window)  CBC Ideas broadcast. Co-panelists: Miglena Todorova (University of Toronto) and Arne Kislenko (TMU). Moderated by Nahlah Ayed. 1/26/2024. Published.