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Reimbursement of Business Meals, Travel and Expenses Policy

I.    Purpose

This policy describes when faculty and staff may be reimbursed for business travel, meal and other business related expenses.

II.    Principles

Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") reimburses faculty and staff for business travel, meal and other business related expenses in support of the University’s mission, provided they are:

a.    reasonable and cost-effective;

b.    supported by submission of original receipts;

c.    appropriately authorized (as per policy);

d.    out of pocket (expenses directly paid by the claimant by cash or personal credit card);

III.    Scope

This policy applies to all University Faculty and Staff.

IV.    Policy

a.     Eligible Expenses: Business travel, meal and other business related expenses incurred by the University's faculty or Staff for University business may include but are not limited to: air, rail, taxi or car travel, food, beverages, gratuities;

b.     Internal business functions/meetings: for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Faculty or Staff, the expenditure for snacks, light meals and beverages may be eligible even though only University faculty and staff are in attendance. The names of attendees are required on the original receipts submitted for expense reimbursement approval.

c.     Meals / Per Diems:  Effective September 1, 2011, following the Broader Public Service (BPS) Financial Accountability Act, the University has eliminated Per Diems for faculty and staff unless permitted under a collective agreement.

Where per diem allowances are not claimed, original receipts must be provided for all meals or other expenses. Normally, where meals are included in conference fees, there should be no expenses incurred.

d.     Ineligible Expenses:  Personal expenses will not be reimbursed.  For example, personal entertainment, sightseeing, side trips and expenses for a spouse or other individual accompanying the University employee.

V.    Roles and Responsibilities

It is the approver’s responsibility to ensure that reimbursement claims are for business-related expenses, and are supported by original receipts.

External Funding Agencies: When using funding from external agencies for projects and where their written regulations are different from University regulations, the funding agency regulations will take precedence.  The Travel Authorization form is required to be approved in advance of the scheduled travel date.

Approval and Signing Authority: All business meal and entertainment expenses must be approved by at least one administrative level higher unless otherwise delegated.  The claimant is not permitted to approve their own expense submissions.

Audit:  All expenditures are subject to audit review.

VI.    Jurisdiction

This policy falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance. The interpretation and application of this policy is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer.

VII.    Next Review Date  

This policy is subject to review every three (3) years.