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Business Travel Procedure

I.    Overview:

This procedure describes how faculty and staff of Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") may be reimbursed for properly approved business travel and entertainment expenses.  There are several means of getting reimbursed:

1.  the recommended method for faculty and staff is to obtain and use a Travel Card.  Claims for reimbursement must be submitted through iExpense, or

2.  use your personal credit card or cash and submit claims for reimbursement through iExpense, or

3.  use your personal credit card or cash and submit claims for reimbursement  using the Travel Advance/Expense form and submitting approved form to Purchasing and Payment Services of Financial Services.

This document is organized with the following sections:

•     how to,

•     responsibilities,

•     forms  and

•     information and assistance.

II.    How To:

The preferred means of handling business travel is by using a Travel Card and processing claims for reimbursement through iExpense.

1. Obtain Travel Approval:

a.      The claimant must have advance authority, either as an expectation of the position held or from an administrative head of unit, to incur business travel expenses on behalf of the University.

b.      Where required by a funding organization’s policy the traveler must obtain prior written approval of each trip from the individual with budget signing authority. Research Travel Authorization Form

2. Determine Eligible Expenses:

A list of eligible expenses is provided in Business Travel Procedure Appendix.

3. Complete a Claim:

Claimants must complete either an online iExpense claim or a Travel Advance/Expense Statement form. In all cases original receipts must accompany the claim and be substantiated by sufficient detail to identify the person travelling, their destination, dates traveled and purpose of the travel.  For iExpense claims, receipts will be faxed to the number indicated on the iExpense bar code cover sheet and originals forwarded to Purchasing and Payment Services.

Sponsors’ or Funding Agencies’ Policies: Where sponsor or funding agencies have their own travel expense policies, their policies will have precedence over the University’s providing that this has been agreed to in advance. A copy of the funding organization policy may be requested by Financial Services staff for clarification.

4. Obtain Approval for a Claim:

a. Travel expenses must be approved for reimbursement by at least one administrative level higher than the person claiming reimbursement. In no circumstances may a traveler approve his/her own request, or that of their supervisor.

b. If no receipts are available, the claimant must complete and submit an approved Supplemental Receipt Form explaining why the receipts are missing.

5.  Submit a Claim for Reimbursement:

Travel claims should be completed within 10 business days of returning to the University, or within 15 business days when the trip exceeds 14 days.

a. If amount is $100 or less and you have not used your corporate Travel Card, you may submit your claim on a Petty Cash Reimbursement form and take the approved form to the Cashier’s Office for reimbursement.


b. If your have used your corporate Travel Card, you must forward your online electronic claim through iExpense. Fax receipts to the fax number indicated on your iExpense report cover page.  After approval, reimbursement will be processed within five (5) business days.


c. If you do not have a corporate Travel Card, but you and your approver(s) have been set up for iExpense, forward your online electronic claim through iExpense. Fax receipts to the fax number indicated on your iExpense report cover page.  After approval, reimbursement will be processed within five (5) business days.


d. If amount exceeds $100, and you cannot use iExpense, forward an approved Travel Advance/Expense Statement form with original receipts to the Purchasing and Payment Services, Financial Services and allow a minimum of ten (10) business days for processing.

Note: To submit an iExpense Claim an Oracle ID and password are required for both the claimant and approver(s).  New users must complete and submit a System Access form to the Systems and Training Unit of Financial Services.  Approval limits will be set up in Oracle Financials based on cost centers and approval authorities.

6. Obtain Prepayments and Cash Advances:

The Travel Card is intended to assist you with prepayments and/or cash advances for emergency situations.

For those individuals not possessing a Travel Card, the Travel Advance/Expense Statement form can assist you with acquiring a cash advance and/or prepayment(s). When a cash advance is requested on the Travel Advance/ Expense Statement form, the completed and approved form is sent to

Purchasing & Payment Services, Financial Services.  Upon return to the University, travelers must complete the remaining pages of the Travel Advance/Expense Statement that was used to submit the advance.

a.  When no advance is required, the Travel Advance/Expense Statement form functions as an expense statement.

b.  For prepayments, allow a minimum of seven working days for cheque preparation.

c.  Time Frames: Travel Advance/Expense claims accompanied by original receipts and, if applicable, refunds of advanced funds should be sent to Purchasing & Payment Services, Financial Services within 10 working days of the completion of their trip, or 15 days if the trip exceeded 14 days. If after 90 days, a cash advance has not been resolved, a letter will be sent by the Executive Director, Financial Services informing the individual that they will not be given any further cash advances until the advance is cleared.

REMINDER: E-Ticket purchases and reimbursements often take place months before the actual trip is taken. Additional expenses for this trip will be submitted after the trip is taken. Travelers are reminded to include their boarding pass with these expenses when reimbursement is claimed. Approvers are reminded that on occasion trips may need to be cancelled and they should consider whether the air travel ticket has been previously reimbursed.

7. Claim for Frequent Travel:

Employees incurring frequent travel expenses (e.g. kilometrage, parking and meals) can accumulate their travel expenses. Claims should be completed and submitted to Purchasing & Payment Services, Financial Services on a regular basis accompanied by a schedule detailing trip dates, area visited, number of kilometers claimed, parking and/or meal expenses.

Travelers incurring business-related entertainment expenses must complete a Business Meal/Entertainment Statement upon their return clearly indicating the name of the guest(s) and the general nature of the meeting/function. They do not need duplicate authorization on this statement if the form is appended to an already authorized Travel Advance/Expense Statement form.

8. Exceptions:

In exceptional circumstances, expenses usually excluded may be reimbursed if approved by the signing authority.

III.    Roles and Responsibilities:


•     ensures that travel is approved in advance.

•     ensures that expenditures are reasonable, cost effective, validated by receipts where required and submitted in a timely manner.


•     approves that the expenditures are reasonable, appropriate and cost- effective.

•     claims may be returned for clarification or missing documentation.

Financial Services:

•     reviews submissions for appropriate authorizations, reasonable expenditures, supporting documents, variances from normal practice.

•     claims may be returned for clarification if approvals or documents are missing.


Please ensure you use the updated form, available on the Financial Services website

Information and Assistance:

Questions and comments regarding the business travel policy and/or procedure should be directed to the Manager of Purchasing and Payment Services.

Questions about financial issues should be directed to your Financial Advisor in the Department Services unit of Financial Services.