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Faculty and Staff Reimbursement Policy

  • Related Documents: Faculty and Staff Reimbursement Procedure
  • Owner:  Financial Services
  • Approver:  Chief Financial Officer
  • Approval Dates:  December 2006, Revised November 2011
  • Next Review Date: 3 years from last approved date (2014)


This policy describes how faculty and staff can be reimbursed for Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") related expenses.

Applies to:

Faculty and staff

What You Need To Know:

The University reimburses faculty and staff for reasonable expenses they incur on behalf of the University. 

Expenditures are usually reimbursed under one of the following policies: Business Meals/Entertainment Expenditures, Reimbursement of Alcoholic Beverage Expenses; Business Travel; Purchasing Card; Travel Card; Professional Development Reimbursement Fund for Members of the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association (procedure).

Tip: Use iExpense for all your University-related expense claims.

Approval and Signing Authority: 

All reimbursement claims must be approved by at least one administrative level higher than the claimant. 

IMPORTANT: It is the approver’s responsibility to ensure that reimbursement claims are for business-related expenses, and are supported by original receipts.

External Funding Agencies: 

When using funding from external agencies and where their written regulations are different from University regulations, the funding agency regulations will take precedence.

Related Policies and Procedures: 

Goods and services must be acquired while complying with Purchasing and related policies.  Related policies and procedures can be viewed on the Financial Services website.


All expenditures are subject to audit review.


This policy is under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  Interpretation and administration is the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer.

Policy Review

This policy is subject to review every three (3) years.