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Business Travel Appendix

Eligible Business Travel Expenses

Generally eligible business travel expenditures include - transportation (air, train, bus, taxis, airport buses, car rentals, parking, public transportation, use of personal vehicle), accommodation, meals, registration, and other expenditures deemed reasonable and prudent.

1. Travel Fares:

Plane, train, bus, etc. travel should be via the most direct route. Indirect routing may be approved by the appropriate signing authority if the cost does not exceed that of the direct route.

If an employee can obtain a travel fare at a substantially lower rate than Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") sources, through advance purchase or minor changes to travel arrangements (e.g. extra night’s accommodation), the traveler is encouraged to consider that alternative.

Claims for First Class and Business Class travel will be reimbursed at the coach rate unless special circumstances so warrant (e.g. a medical certificate). Under normal circumstances, travelers who wish to upgrade from economy class may do so at their own expense.

2. Frequent Flyer Points:

The traveler may retain for personal use any frequent flyer points accumulated as a result of University travel. The corporate Travel Card has a Rewards feature and for a fee, cardholders can choose this option. If they do wish to accumulate Rewards points, this fee cannot be claimed for reimbursement. However, the choice of airline or routing must be based on the lowest fare and agreements with contracted vendors, rather than on personal frequent flyer programs.

3. Travel by Personal Automobile:

When travel by personal car is necessary, an employee is entitled to be reimbursed at the prevailing University kilometrage rate. This rate may be found on the Financial Services website.

Normally, the distance traveled from the employee’s home to a place of business will not be reimbursed (this is considered a personal expense by Canada Revenue Agency).

If travel by personal automobile is desired by the employee, providing it is mutually agreed with the appropriate signing authority, the University will pay the lesser of the current approved kilometrage rate or the regular air/train fare.

Kilometrage allowance will be paid for only one personally-owned automobile where employees traveling together could reasonably be expected to travel in one automobile.

The University’s insurance policies do not cover damage or loss to personal property. All risk of damage or loss is at the owner’s expense.

Employees required to travel more than 20 hours per week on average may be eligible for a monthly car allowance.

4. Accommodations

a. Reimbursement for hotels and other lodging will be limited to reasonable amounts in the particular circumstances and should not exceed the single occupancy rate. Employees should give due consideration to location and economy prior to making arrangements for accommodations.

Note: Many hotels have a “University” rate. (List of the hotels in Canada (external link) )

b. Claims for accommodations at a friends or relative’s home must state the name, address and relationship (i.e. friend or relative) and will be reimbursed at the Treasury Board rate (external link, opens in new window) .

5.  Meals and Per Diems

Per Diems - Meals Without Receipts:

a.  Claims for meals in Canada and the US without supporting receipts, are allowed up to a maximum of the per diem daily allowance, as posted on the Financial Services websiteRecommended amounts for each meal are provided.

b. Claims for meals outside Canada and the US will use Treasury Board Guideline rates as posted on their website (external link) .  

c. While the employee is traveling on behalf of the University a per diem allowances for each meal can be claimed. While the recommended per diem value of each meal is as follows – breakfast $10 lunch $10, supper

$20, an approver has the discretion to determine the per diem amount to be reimbursed for each meal up to the per diem maximum without receipts.

Meals With Receipts:

a. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to incur meal costs greater than the per diem allowance. Provided that receipts are submitted and approved, the actual costs will be reimbursed.

b. When meals are included in a conference or registration fee, the per diem allowance should be reduced accordingly.

6. Travel Insurance:

a. Flight cancellation insurance is an allowable expense for which a receipt is required.

b. The University’s insurance policies include additional life coverage for staff members traveling on University business.

c. Additional insurance coverage for flight delay, lost baggage, car rental, etc. is provided through the University corporate Travel Card.

d. Additional coverage is at the individual’s own expense. See above regarding insurance on personal automobiles.

7. Incidental Expenses:

Where it is impractical or impossible to acquire receipts, small reasonable expenditures may be itemized and claimed. These expenditures include, but are not limited to, road/bridge tolls, meter parking, coin telephone, bus tickets, subway tokens, gratuities for baggage assistance.

8. Telephone and Electronic Communications:

a.  Voice and data communications charges relating to University responsibilities will be reimbursed.

b.  Personal communications such as long distance calls that allow travelers to stay in reasonable contact with their immediate family are also reimbursable travel expenses. For cost-effectiveness, travelers are encouraged to subscribe to a long distance discount service.

9. Entertainment Expenses:

Entertainment expenses are covered by the overall policy on this subject entitled Business Meal/Entertainment Expenditures.