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Program Information

Fueled by the dramatic changes taking place in the world of both photography and film with the advent and growth of digital technology, our master of arts (MA) program in Film + Photography Preservation and Collections Management offers students the opportunity to specialize in either film or photo preservation.

Our unique curriculum is developed and delivered by a range of specialists, from historians of photography and/or film to library and archival professionals. The two-year course of study will prepare graduates to meet the challenges faced by institutions and organizations that strive to manage, maintain and develop object- and digital-based collections.

Masters of Film and Photography Preservation Collections Management Information Session

Film and Photography Preservation Collections Management Information Session

Film Preservation

Photography Preservation

The intensive, two-year (6 term) graduate program assumes that a film or photographic preservation specialist or collections manager must be acquainted with the materials, with its history, the social and cultural conditions of its production, and the critical and theoretical conceptions that inform its reception. Eleven half-year courses, an internship, a field placement (residency), and a professional practice project/thesis are designed to provide students with a graduate program in which historical knowledge, practical experience, and professional education are fully integrated.

Course offerings in the graduate program include seminars in photographic or film materials and history, and issues of curatorial practice and practicums taught by Toronto Metropolitan University's faculty who are preservation and conservation specialists. Students complete an internship using archives and special collections in the third term of the program.

Student Showcase

Program Brochure

Professional Experiences