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How You Shaped the Plan

Participants at a consultation event in the SLC

The Campus Master Plan was shaped by the Toronto Metropolitan University community. As a document with such significant influences on the evolution of our cityscape, it was critical for its development to include input and feedback from as many people who experience our campus as possible.

At various stages throughout the year, draft material was presented at public events, on this website, circulated through surveys, promoted in TorontoMet Today (then known as "Ryerson Today"), and discussed with neighbours and community organizations. We looked for feedback from a broad and diverse range of voices. These opinions and ideas were collected, incorporated and built on in the iterative development of the Plan.

Students and faculty from various disciplines participated in the Plan's development, by reviewing draft materials prior to public events, by undertaking shadow studies, documenting and analysing consultation approaches and campus mobility patterns.

Architecture students' 3D modelling workshop

Students collaborating during the 3D Campus Modelling workshop.

In one example, more than 430 students in the Department of Architectural Science included the Campus Master Plan themes as a basis for its annual collaborative week exercise.The ideas generated from all of these activities promoted well-designed public spaces, an animated neighbourhood and the importance of sheltered, accessible paths through campus.

What consultations have taken place

100+ hours of consultations


Walkshops, open houses, interviews, surveys, pop-ups and workshops

With over 1500 


Who contributed to the plan development



Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area (B.I.A.)

Residence associations




Academic and administrative leadership

Landlords and developers

Creating a vision statement, goals and principles

With each round of community consultation, the draft plans were refined based on the feedback and contributions of participants. This culminated in the vision statement that consolidated the core values expressed by the members of the greater TMU community and a draft of key goals and principles for driving our campus development. 

Public consultation event at the SLC

TMU community members reviewing draft materials at a public consultation event.

To see how the priorities identified by your participation were woven into the aspirations of our campus development, download the  (PDF file) Campus Master Plan — learn how your feedback will steer the implementation of our future physical campus!