About the 2019 Student Diversity Self-ID Report
This first Student Diversity Self-ID Report showcases the diversity of TMU students. It also points out where more attention needs to be paid to increasing the number of students from underrepresented groups and to their inclusion at the university.
Students wanted to know how they are represented across the campus, in different faculties and programs. So starting in fall 2018, they were asked to complete the online Diversity Self-ID questionnaire in the student system.
More than 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students completed the survey, for a response rate of 96%. The results in this report provide a summary snapshot of the data gathered in the 2018 to 2019 academic year.
40,000+ undergraduate and graduate students completed the survey
96% response rate

The report provides representation data for students from TMU’s five equity groups: women, racialized people, Aboriginal Peoples, persons with disabilities, and 2SLGBTQ+ people. Only summary, aggregated data is reported. To avoid small numbers and protect privacy, some data are combined, such as students in full-time, part-time and co-op options for the same program.
The data collected indicates the rich diversity of TMU’s student population, with students who represent many intersections, Indigenous Nations, racialized identities, gender identities and expressions, sexual orientations, and visible and invisible disabilities. It presents high-level student diversity self-ID data graphically, with a more extensive focus on the representation of Black students to better inform the university’s priority to confront anti-Black racism.
In addition, diversity data disaggregated by program is provided in a report card format, grading every program in terms of the representation of each equity group, as well as the three largest racialized groups in both TMU’s student population and in the GTA: South Asian, Chinese and Black.
The report reveals some gaps. Indigenous students and students with disabilities are substantially underrepresented in both undergraduate and graduate programs compared with representation in the community. Also, there is much lower representation of racialized and Black students in graduate studies compared to their representation in undergraduate programs.

“The more diverse and inclusive our university becomes, the better for us all. Diverse perspectives and experiences enhance our learning inside and outside the classroom.”
—TMU student
The purpose of this report is to provide a snapshot and a baseline from which to measure our progress in advancing student equity, diversity and inclusion at TMU. Its data can inform dialogue-driven action toward enhancing the student experience and increasing student success. It can assist the university in all areas, from recruiting high-calibre students of diverse backgrounds to designing more inclusive teaching and learning environments.
Reports will be produced every other year to track our progress and, in addition to representation data, will include student success data such as graduation, persistence, and retention rates.
Explanations of sources for community data and whether the data is from the GTA or Ontario, how we maintain confidentiality, the grading methodology and more are available in the Appendix.
We thank our students for sharing important information about their social locations and identities, so that TMU can continue to work to improve equity, diversity and inclusion.
Explore more detailed data on the Student Diversity Data Visualizations.